
上传日期:2024-05-06 21:57:23
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Summarizes a python workspace for AI prompting., stars:0, update:2024-05-06 13:54:49


# Python Codebase Summarizer Python Code Analyzer is a tool designed to analyze Python code within a single file or recursively through directories. It extracts important information like function and class definitions, including their docstrings, and provides an overview of the directory structure. **It's made to feed your AI Chatbot with information about your codebase!** ## Features - Analyze single Python files or entire directories. - Extract function signatures and class definitions. - Optionally include docstrings in the analysis output. - Exclude specific files, directories, or match patterns to ignore during analysis. - Generate a directory tree showing the structure of analyzed directories. ## Requirements - Python 3.x - No external libraries required beyond the Python Standard Library. ## Usage ### Command-Line Arguments - `source_path`: Path to the Python file or directory to be analyzed. - `output_file`: Path to the text file where the results will be written. - `--comments`: Include docstrings from functions and classes in the output. - `--exclude`: Provide a space-separated list of paths to exclude from analysis. - `--exclude-patterns`: Provide a space-separated list of glob patterns for files to be excluded from analysis (e.g., '*.png', '*.jpg'). ### Example Commands ```bash # Analyze a single Python file and include docstrings in the output. python output.txt --comments # Analyze a directory and exclude specific sub-directories or files. python my_project/ results.txt --exclude my_project/tests/ my_project/ # Analyze a directory and exclude files matching patterns. python my_project/ results.txt --exclude-patterns '*.png' '*.jpg' ``` ## Output The output text file will contain: * A directory tree (if a directory is analyzed). * Extracted information for each Python file analyzed: * Functions with their names and arguments. * Classes with their names. * Optionally, docstrings for functions and classes. ### Example ```txt Analysis for Class: CodeAnalyzer Docstring: A visitor class that uses the AST module to analyze Python source code files. Extracts information about functions and classes including their docstrings. Function: __init__ - Args: ['self', 'include_comments'] Function: _add_item - Args: ['self', 'item'] Docstring: Adds an item to the list of found items, with indentation based on the current scope level. Function: visit_FunctionDef - Args: ['self', 'node'] Docstring: Visits a function definition and extracts its name and arguments. Function: visit_ClassDef - Args: ['self', 'node'] Docstring: Visits a class definition and extracts its name and docstring if present. Function: normalize_path - Args: ['path'] Docstring: Normalize a filesystem path for comparison. Function: generate_directory_tree - Args: ['path', 'prefix', 'exclude_paths', 'exclude_patterns'] Docstring: Generates a directory tree for the given path, excluding specified paths. Function: analyze_code - Args: ['source_path', 'include_comments', 'exclude_paths', 'exclude_patterns'] Docstring: Analyzes the Python code at the given source path, including or excluding specific files or directories. Function: write_to_file - Args: ['data', 'output_file'] Docstring: Writes the analyzed data to the specified output file. Function: main - Args: [] Docstring: Main function that parses arguments and runs the code analyzer. ``` ## Contributing Contributions to the Python Code Analyzer are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests. ## License This project is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


