
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-12-14 07:50:22
上 传 者w396858579
说明:  游戏源代码,喜欢游戏开发的可以看看,请用vc编译
(Game Source Code)

src_main\utils\qmap\src\qmapexp.doc (25600, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\tfstats\spec for tfstats.doc (29184, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\phonemeextractor\talkback.doc (8114176, 2003-08-04)
src_main\buildnotes.txt (380, 2003-06-28)
src_main\dllbase.txt (175, 2003-06-28)
src_main\worldcraft\editorkeys.txt (2677, 2003-06-28)
src_main\vgui2\QHTM\QHTM\History.txt (8734, 2003-06-28)
src_main\vgui2\QHTM\QHTM\How to Build.txt (2591, 2003-06-28)
src_main\vgui2\QHTM\ImgLib\ImagLib.txt (1547, 2003-06-28)
src_main\vgui2\QHTM\QHTM\Licence.txt (1577, 2003-06-28)
src_main\vgui2\QHTM\ImgLib\licence.txt (1626, 2003-06-28)
src_main\worldcraft\new16.txt (3106, 2003-06-28)
src_main\newbuildnotes.txt (133, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\vview\notes.txt (1068, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\vrad\notes.txt (1135, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\vbsp\notes.txt (2967, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\qmap\currel\qmapexp.txt (3320, 2003-06-28)
src_main\materialsystem\stdshaders\shader_nvfx.txt (386, 2003-08-29)
src_main\materialsystem\stdshaders\shader_test.txt (110, 2003-08-29)
src_main\materialsystem\stdshaders\stdshader_dbg.txt (900, 2003-08-17)
src_main\materialsystem\stdshaders\stdshader_dx8.txt (6641, 2003-08-29)
src_main\materialsystem\stdshaders\stdshader_dx9.txt (450, 2003-08-29)
src_main\materialsystem\stdshaders\stdshader_hdr_dx9.txt (660, 2003-08-29)
src_main\vgui2\QHTM\QHTM\Stuff to do.txt (1988, 2003-06-28)
src_main\worldcraft\test.txt (17, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\tfstats\testsuite\testlog1.txt (14287, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\tfstats\testsuite\testlog10.txt (23524, 2003-06-28)
src_main\utils\tfstats\testsuite\testlog11.txt (19069, 2003-06-28)
... ...

-Make sure you have the processor pack/msdev sp4 installed. -type "buildall" to build everything -type "run" to run. You will get higher performance if you disable some of the timing code. To do this, edit src/common/MaterialSystem/ShaderDX8/CMaterialSystemStats.h and change: #ifdef IHVTEST #define MEASURE_STATS 1 #endif to: #ifdef IHVTEST //#define MEASURE_STATS 1 #endif You can select all of our possible lighting configurations by using the "-light" command line option as in run.bat. Here are what the N in "-light N" means: N light 1 light 2 ------------------------------- 0 disable disable 1 spot disable 2 point disable 3 directional disable 4 spot spot 5 spot point 6 spot directional 7 point point 8 point directional 9 directional directional If you are on a dx8 card and want to force the dx7 path, do: -dx 7 on the command line. Please send any feedback to gary@valvesoftware.com .


