
上传日期:2009-12-24 08:39:35
上 传 者xiaonengge
说明:  富士通单片机LIN-uart及uart实验程序源码。
(Fujitsu MCU and LIN-uart source code uart experimental procedure.)

富士通uart实验程序全部源码\my_application.prj (2154, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\my_application.wsp (332, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\options.dat (1431, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\Monitor.sup (750, 2007-11-05)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\ABS\Template_Flute_MB95F136.mhx (4552, 2007-11-07)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\LST\Template_Flute_MB95F136.mp1 (17069, 2007-11-07)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\my_application.opa (156, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\my_application.opb (770, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\my_application.opc (131, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\my_application.opl (1200, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\my_application.opv (220, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\Template_Flute_MB95F136.opa (156, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\Template_Flute_MB95F136.opb (478, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\Template_Flute_MB95F136.opc (131, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\Template_Flute_MB95F136.opl (788, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\MONDEB\OPT\Template_Flute_MB95F136.opv (152, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\mb95100.asm (28000, 2006-01-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\mb95100.h (189619, 2006-01-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\start8FX.asm (16291, 2009-11-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\Mondeb_src\Autoload.c (86, 2007-11-07)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\Mondeb_src\FGM.rel (10247, 2007-06-06)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\main.c.bak (57113, 2009-11-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\main.c (5725, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\vectors.c.bak (7715, 2009-10-13)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\src\vectors.c (7678, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\Emulator.sup (710, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\my_application.sup (2165, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\Simulator.sup (2166, 2007-11-05)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\ABS\Template_Flute_MB95F136.abs (140813, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\ABS\my_application.abs (143370, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\ABS\my_application.mhx (2406, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\LST\main.lst (498819, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\LST\my_application.mp1 (16414, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\LST\Template_Flute_MB95F136.mp1 (15578, 2009-09-03)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\LST\vectors.lst (472807, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\OBJ\mb95100.obj (15796, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\OBJ\start8FX.obj (1531, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\OBJ\main.stk (512, 2009-12-24)
富士通uart实验程序全部源码\STANDALONE\OBJ\main.obj (65309, 2009-12-24)
... ...

========================================================================== Template Project for 8FX Series (Flute - MB95F136) ========================================================================== Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH The following software is for demonstration purposes only. It is not fully tested, nor validated in order to fullfill its task under all circumstances. Therefore, this software or any part of it must only be used in an evaluation laboratory environment. This software is subject to the rules of our standard DISCLAIMER, that is delivered with our SW-tools on the Fujitsu Microcontrollers CD (V3.4 or higher "\START.HTM") or on our Internet Pages: ========================================================================== History Date Ver Author Softune Description 16.01.06 1.0 MVo V30L29 original version 23.06.06 1.1 MVo V30L29 new Start8FX.asm 07.11.07 1.2 MVo V30L30 new Start8FX.asm, new vectors.c, added monitor debugger support ========================================================================== This is a project template for the 8FX Series (MB951xx) It includes some basic settings for e.g. Linker, C-Compiler which must be checked and modified in detail, corresponding to the user application. NOTE 1: ------- This template contains two different project configurations: -STANDALONE: Use this configuration for generating code to be directly flashed to MB95F1xx microcontroller (standalone usage) or to be used with the emulation system consisting of BGM adapter MB2146-09(A) and MCU board -301(A) or MB2146-303(A). -MONDEB: Use this configuration for generating code to be debugged by use of the Softune Workbench Monitor Debugger for 8FX. Therefore MB2146-09A-E has to be used for connection to PC. Please note that additional files as well an assembler and C-compiler definition (MONITORDEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION) will be added automatically to the application build process. Monitor Debugger is only supported from Softune Workbench V30L30 or later! Please see application note mcu-an-300049-e-8fx_swb_monitor_debugger for more information. NOTE 2: ------- This template uses the headerfiles mb95100.asm and mb95100.h of the 8FX evaluation chip MB95FV100 (HORN). Take care that not all resources will be available in each 8FX flash-/mask-device. Further, ROM and RAM settings are limited within this project. Correct these settings within the Linker-Options: - Softune Workbench - Project - Setup Poject - Linker: Category: Disposition-Connection RAM 512 byte: 0x80 - 0x27F 1024 byte: 0x80 - 0x47F 2048 byte: 0x80 - 0x87F ROM 16k : 0xC000 - 0xFFFF 32k : 0x8000 - 0xFFFF 60k : 0x1000 - 0xFFFF Please check the datasheet and hardwaremanual of the related product.


