
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-01-06 23:43:39
上 传 者2008龙卷风
说明:  图形设计,太阳系的图形,可以运行。需要添加OpenGL库,具体安装去百度上goole一下。
(Graphic design, the solar system' s graphics, you can run. Need to add the OpenGL libraries, go to a specific installation on goole about Baidu.)

062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\TextureMgr Library.lib (353002, 2005-02-28)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Bump Mapping Tutorial.exe (69632, 2005-03-02)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Bump Mapping Tutorial.ncb (1125376, 2005-03-02)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Bump Mapping Tutorial.sln (931, 2004-09-03)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Bump Mapping Tutorial.suo (19968, 2005-03-02)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Bump Mapping Tutorial.vcproj (3897, 2005-01-10)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\cg.dll (1388544, 2004-08-04)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\cgGL.dll (180224, 2004-08-04)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\LogLibrary.lib (60090, 2005-02-28)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Msvcr71.dll (348160, 2003-02-21)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\OglExt.dll (57344, 2004-06-15)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.cpp (10357, 2006-03-28)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ (2256, 2006-03-28)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ (2659, 2006-03-28)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\DefaultLog.log (529, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ShaderUtils.ncb (33792, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ShaderUtils.plg (912, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ShaderUtils.opt (48640, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ShaderUtils.dsp (3583, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ShaderUtils.dsw (547, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.ncb (50176, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.plg (1403, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.opt (49664, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.dsp (3506, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.dsw (533, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\ShaderUtils.cpp (3658, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\rockNormal.bmp (196662, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\rock.bmp (786486, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\TextureMgr.h (2042, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Main.h (1342, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\glext.h (499579, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Log.h (1152, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\3DMath_Lean.h (2191, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Init.cpp (8133, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Texture.h (330, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Debug\vc60.idb (222208, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Debug\vc60.pdb (159744, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Debug\ShaderUtils.pch (6938896, 2007-07-12)
062011116于剑锋 Final Project\于剑锋bumpmapping程序\Debug\ShaderUtils.pdb (25600, 2007-07-12)
... ...

//***********************************************************************// // // // - Bump Mapping Using CG - // // // // $Author: Sren Dreijer (Halloko) // // // // $Date: 02/03/05 // // // // $Homepage: // // // // $Copyright: You're free to distribute and modify the // // entire source code as you please. // // However, it should clearly show where the // // code originates from! // // // //***********************************************************************// Files: 3DMath_Lean.h Bump Mapping Tutorial.exe Bump Mapping Tutorial.ncb Bump Mapping Tutorial.sln Bump Mapping Tutorial.suo Bump Mapping Tutorial.vcproj cg.dll cgGL.dll glext.h Init.cpp Log.h LogLibrary.lib Main.cpp Main.h Msvcr71.dll OglExt.dll Readme.txt rock.bmp rockNormal.bmp ShaderUtils.cpp Texture.h TextureMgr Library.lib TextureMgr.h Instructions: If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 just open "Bump Mapping Tutorial.sln". If not, create an empty Windows project and manually add all .h, .cpp and .cg files to the project! Keys: Use Page Up and Page Down to move the light source in and out of the screen Use the + and - keys on the keypad to increase and decrease the light source's speed, respectively. 2005 Sren Dreijer


