
上传日期:2010-01-09 23:29:33
上 传 者whateverhow
说明:  no intro
( faceNormalization function gets a scanned image and returns an extracted canonical image, according to ISO standard for E-passport applications. )

Face_Normalization\Face Normalization\canonicalImage.m (2864, 2007-10-16)
Face_Normalization\Face Normalization\croppedImage.m (2343, 2007-10-16)
Face_Normalization\Face Normalization\example.m (790, 2007-10-16)
Face_Normalization\Face Normalization\faceNormalization.m (1922, 2007-10-16)
Face_Normalization\Face Normalization\input.jpg (148495, 2007-10-16)
Face_Normalization\Face Normalization\License.txt (2578, 2007-10-16)
Face_Normalization\license.txt (1536, 2009-06-16)
Face_Normalization\Face Normalization (0, 2009-06-16)
Face_Normalization (0, 2010-01-09)

'faceNormalization.m' function gets a scanned image (such as "input.jpg") and returns an extracted canonical image, according to ISO standard for E-passport applications. This function has 2 built-in functions: - croppedImage: Gets initial scanned image and extracts the approximate facial region. - canonicalImage.m: Gets the output of croppedImage.m and returns a standard canonical image. To produce the canonical image, 'eyefinder' function of Machine Perception Toolbox is adopted. This toolbox is downloadable at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mptbox/ Note that you have to run a VC++6 program, included in MPT to obtain necessary MATLAB components for eye finding. So follow instructions bellow, if you want my functions work correctly! 1. Firstly, run Microsoft Visual C++ 6. 2. go to "Tools->Options->Directories". Under Show directories for select Include files select new entry and add "C:\Program Files\MATLAB7\extern\include" (note path may be different). 3. Under Show directories for select Library files add "C:\Program Files\MATLAB7\extern\lib\win32\microsoft\msvc60". 4. Open "\Libraries\eyefinder\matlab\windows\mp_eyefinderMex.dsw" in VC++6. 5. Build either mp_eyefinderMex - release or debug. Make sure that mp_eyefinderMex is the active project. To confirm it, go to "Build->Set active configuration" and set mp_eyefindermex as active project. 6. Finally, copy mp_eyefindermex.lib, which must be produced by VC++6 into "\extern\lib\win32\microsoft". After building and copying mp_eyefinderMex.lib, you don't need VC++6 to use 'eyefinder' function in MATLAB. I encourage you to take a look at 'example.m' and run it with "input.jpg" as its input image. Have fun! Amir Hossein Omidvarnia aomidvar@ece.ut.ac.ir


