
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-01-10 21:45:26
上 传 者frank89757
说明:  Visual C + + MFC编程实例及其源代码。 如何将MFC应用于许多普通编程问题.除了技术,如数据库创建、网络系统和通讯程序,所有的源代码的书可以使读者建立自己的应用程序。
(Visual C++ MFC programming examples and source code.This title demonstrates how to apply MFCs to many common programming problems. in addition to techniques such as database creation, networking systems and COM programming, all source code from the book is available enabling the reader to build their own applications.)

Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Desktop_.ini (9, 2007-01-10)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Desktop__.ini (9, 2007-02-28)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ 6.Sams - MFC Programming with Visual C++ 6 Unleashed (1999).chm (11459046, 2007-09-27)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\CPYRIGHT\COPRIGHT.TXT (645, 1998-11-18)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\CPYRIGHT\Desktop_.ini (9, 2007-01-10)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\CPYRIGHT\Desktop__.ini (9, 2007-02-28)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\CPYRIGHT\_desktop.ini (8, 2007-02-01)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Desktop_.ini (9, 2007-01-10)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Desktop__.ini (9, 2007-02-28)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\CHILDFRM.CPP (1493, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\CHILDFRM.H (1403, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\Desktop_.ini (9, 2007-01-10)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\Desktop__.ini (9, 2007-02-28)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\MAINFRM.CPP (2572, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\MAINFRM.H (1435, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\Desktop_.ini (9, 2007-01-10)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\Desktop__.ini (9, 2007-02-28)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\TOOLBAR.BMP (1078, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\WZD.ICO (1078, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\WZD.RC2 (395, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\WZDDOC.ICO (1078, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RES\_desktop.ini (8, 2007-02-01)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\RESOURCE.H (488, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\STDAFX.CPP (201, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\STDAFX.H (987, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WIZARD\Desktop_.ini (9, 2007-01-10)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WIZARD\Desktop__.ini (9, 2007-02-28)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WIZARD\_desktop.ini (8, 2007-02-01)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZD.CPP (4315, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZD.DSP (4582, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZD.DSW (529, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZD.H (1333, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZD.RC (12533, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZDDOC.CPP (1682, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZDDOC.H (1450, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZDVIEW.CPP (2491, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\WZDVIEW.H (1849, 1998-11-07)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A10\_desktop.ini (8, 2007-02-01)
Visual C++ MFC programming by example\Visual C++ MFC programming by example\EXAMPLES\A11\CHILDFRM.CPP (1493, 1998-11-07)
... ...

SampleWizard(tm) Instructions ----------------------------- This CD contains all of the examples described in the book. Each example is contained in a Visual C++ v5.0 project subdirectory with a name that matches the example in the book. Each project subdirectory also contains a \Wizard subdirectory that contains just the source necessary to add that example to your application. The SampleWizard(tm) utility uses these \Wizard subdirectories to automatically add the source from an example directly to your application. The project for the SampleWizard utility is included on the CD. Using the SampleWizard(tm) -------------------------- Step One: Pick a Section ---------------------------- Pick the section of the book containing the type of example you're looking for. Step Two: Pick a Chapter ---------------------------- Pick the chapter in the book containing the type of example you're looking for. Step Three: Example ---------------------------- Pick the example you want. Step 4: Setup --------------- Determine how the example source will be inserted into your application: <1> Enter the root directory that contains the examples from the book. This can be the root directory of the CD drive itself, or if you copied the examples to your disk, the directory which contains the examples on your disk. This entry will initially default to the location of the SampleWizard.exe file. Any changes you make to this entry will be saved in the system registry for the next time. <2> Enter the directory to copy example files, if any. This entry will be initialized to your current working directory. <3> Enter a name to use to substitute for the "Wzd" marker found in all example source files. It's recommended you use a two to five character mneumonic. Page 5 -- View Example and Insert --------------------------------- The SampleWizard will display the Readme.wzd file found in the example directory. You can: <1> Simply read the file. <2> Copy and paste sections of the displayed file into your source. <3> Pick "Copy notes to clipboard." then press "Finish" to have the entire displayed file copied to the clipboard. <4> Pick "Copy any example files to target directory." then press "Finish" to cause any example files to be copied into your application's subdirectory. Adding Your Own Examples ------------------------ If you would like to add your own example to the SampleWizard's collection: <1> Copy the book examples from the CD to a disk directory including the SW.exe and SampWzd.ini files. <2> Create a new subdirectory in this directory using a Uxx name where xx is a sequential number. <3> Add this Uxx name to the SampWzd.ini file in the "Chapter" you want it to appear. Append it with a description of the sample. Make sur there is at least one space between the Uxx name and the description. <4> Add a \Wizard subdirectory to this new example subdirectory. <5> Add a Readme.wzd file to the \Wizard directory describing the example and using "Wzd" in any source snippets. (The "Wzd" can then be substituted later by the SampleWizard.) Look at the other Readme.wzd files for an idea. <6> Copy any example files to the \Wizard directory. Filenames and class names should again use the "Wzd" marker. <7> Create a wzd.dir file in the \Wizard directory containing a list of the example source files. If there won't be any example source files, don't create a wzd.dir file.


