
上传日期:2010-01-15 09:38:51
上 传 者morry
说明:  avetana obex的实现源码,open source
(avetana obex implementation of source code)

avetanaOBEX-1.4 (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\bin (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\bin\avetanaObex.jar (39370, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\License.txt (18351, 2005-01-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex\CommandHandler.java (726, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex\HeaderSetImpl.java (4690, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex\MD5.java (14779, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex\OBEXConnection.java (13753, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex\OperationImpl.java (10784, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\bluetooth\obex\SessionNotifierImpl.java (12037, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\Authenticator.java (4861, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\ClientSession.java (13123, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\HeaderSet.java (10689, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\Operation.java (5980, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\PasswordAuthentication.java (1342, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\ResponseCodes.java (9524, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\ServerRequestHandler.java (10399, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\javax\obex\SessionNotifier.java (7213, 2006-02-02)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\obexsolo (0, 2009-09-23)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\obexsolo\OBEXConnector.java (4374, 2005-01-25)
avetanaOBEX-1.4\src\de\avetana\obexsolo\OBEXTest.java (5480, 2005-03-09)

avetanaOBEX Obex implementation for J2ME Phones that support JSR-82 without OBEX. Introduction OBEX is a standardized way to exchange data between devices. Using OBEX you can easily transfer files between your Phone and your PC. Whatever the file contains. See www.obex.org for more information about the standard. The JSR-82 specification, that describes an interface for java applications to access bluetooth functionalities contains an interface on how OBEX communication is supposed to look like. Most Bluetooth enabled phones, that support Bluetooth programming with Java by implementing the JSR-82 specification lack support for OBEX. avetanaOBEX is a port of the OBEX related classes from the avetanaBluetooth JSR-82 implementation to J2ME with JSR-82. Using avetanaOBEX, you can use OBEX functionalities from any phone that supports JSR-82. avetanaOBEX has so far been tested on SE P910 and Nokia 6600. Usage the avetanaOBEX.jar file contained in this distribution contains all classes necessary to use OBEX on your device. All classes in avetanaOBEX.jar are preverified. avetanaOBEX.jar also contains a demo application that can send a text file to an OBEX service given by its BT-Address and channel number. It can also be used as an OBEX Server to handle PUT and GET requests. Because MIDlets cannot override the javax.* namespace, the obex related classes in avetanaOBEX are not in package java.obex.* but in de.avetana.javax.obex.*. All you need to do is import de.avetana.javax.obex.*; instead of javax.obex.*; I have not yet found a way to change the ProtocolDescriptorList in a ServiceRecord. This is why any OBEX Service offered through avetanaOBEX will be recognized as a BTSPP-Service. You cannot just search for the service that you have offered on your phone from your Desktop. If you use a custom built application to connect to the OBEX service on your phone you can still find that service by searching for the OBEX_OBJECT_PUSH UUID in its ServiceClassID List. the Method getConnectionURL on the service record will probably return a URL starting with btspp:// which you will need to change to btgoep:// to connect to your service. Connections are opened by calling the static open method of the de.avetana.obexsolo.Connector class. The URL's given to that method must start with btgoep:// For further documentation check the JSR-82 specification. Examples An example program can be found in the sources. de.avetana.obexsolo.OBEXTest. It can be used to transfer a simple text message to an OBEX server or to act as a server to receive OBEX Objects or serve a text file as a server. License avetanaOBEX is distributed under the GPL. Feel free to do with it what you want as long as you respect the GPL. Related products A JSR-82 implementation for PC (Windows, MacOS, Linux) can be found through www.avetanabluetooth.com


