
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-08-01 14:59:13
上 传 者e-mars
说明:  NT中通过PDH得到系统计量数据 NT中通过PDH得到系统计量数据
(NT systematically through PDH NT measurement data through PDH system to be measured data)

sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\ABOUTDLG.C (7357, 1997-10-05)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\ABOUTDLG.H (121, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\HELP.BMP (18202, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\MAINWND.C (13416, 1997-10-10)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\MAINWND.H (553, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\MAKEFILE (1353, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\RESOURCE.H (455, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\SMALL.ICO (318, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.BMP (630, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.C (6944, 1997-10-05)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.CNT (250, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.DEF (358, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\statlist.dsp (3495, 1998-03-30)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\statlist.ERR (245, 1998-03-30)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.H (1472, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.HLP (9889, 1998-03-30)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.HPJ (405, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.ICO (1590, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.RC (6598, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.res (5220, 1998-03-30)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\STATLIST.RTF (8536, 1996-06-20)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\WINUTILS.C (3486, 1997-10-05)
sdk_WinBase_WinNT_perftool_PDH_STATLIST\WINUTILS.H (126, 1996-06-20)

PDH Counter Statistics Demo Application The StatList application demonstrates use of the Counter Browser and statistical counter data functions provided by the PDH library. The files included in this sample are: STATLIST.C - The .C source file STATLIST.H - The .H file for the sample RESOURCE.H - The .H file created by VC++ 4.0 STATLIST.DEF - The definition file STATLIST.RC - Contains resource information such as menus and dialog boxes STATLIST.HPJ - The Help file source STATLIST.CNT - The contents list for the Help file STATLIST.RTF - A rich text format file used for Help STATLIST.MAK - A Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 make file MAKEFILE - A command line make file MAKEHELP.BAT - A batch file that makes the Help file STATLIST.ICO - The icon for the STATLIST sample SMALL.ICO - The small-icon for the STATLIST sample STATLIST.BMP - A bitmap for the STATLIST sample HELP.BMP - A bitmap for the Help file


