
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-02-02 15:02:22
上 传 者mcma
说明:  Easy Hook 源代码 学习HOOK的好资料
(Easy Hook source code)

EasyHook (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\DriverShared (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\DriverShared\ASM (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\DriverShared\ASM\HookSpecific_x64.asm (11365, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\ASM\HookSpecific_x86.asm (9333, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\ASM\ILD_x64.asm (150299, 2008-08-05)
EasyHook\DriverShared\ASM\ILD_x86.asm (61291, 2008-08-05)
EasyHook\DriverShared\DriverShared.h (6273, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook\alloc.c (6303, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook\barrier.c (22072, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook\caller.c (16015, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook\install.c (15297, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook\reloc.c (10169, 2008-08-09)
EasyHook\DriverShared\LocalHook\uninstall.c (8030, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\Rtl (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\DriverShared\rtl.h (5947, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\DriverShared\Rtl\error.c (3971, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\DriverShared\Rtl\string.c (6017, 2008-08-08)
EasyHook\EasyHook (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\EasyHook.sln (8852, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\AUX_ULIB.H (3802, 2008-07-16)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\AUX_ULIB_x86.LIB (35230, 2008-07-16)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\dllmain.c (5215, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\EasyHookDll.vcproj (19758, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\GS_x86.lib (32912, 2005-04-14)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\LocalHook (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\LocalHook\acl.c (8019, 2008-08-08)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\LocalHook\debug.cpp (16679, 2008-08-11)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\ntstatus.h (1774, 2008-08-07)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\RemoteHook (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\RemoteHook\driver.cpp (5738, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\RemoteHook\entry.cpp (9586, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\RemoteHook\service.c (6586, 2008-08-08)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\RemoteHook\stealth.c (16224, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\RemoteHook\thread.c (34998, 2008-08-12)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\Rtl (0, 2010-02-02)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\Rtl\file.c (4571, 2008-08-08)
EasyHook\EasyHookDll\Rtl\memory.c (6250, 2008-08-11)
... ...

********************************************************************************************* ******************************************************* 1) License information ********************************************************************************************* EasyHook - The reinvention of Windows API hooking Copyright (C) 2008 Christoph Husse This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Please visit http://www.codeplex.com/easyhook for more information about the project and latest updates. PLEASE NOTE: The LGPL allows you to sell propritary software based on this library (EasyHook) without releasing the source code for your application. This is a big difference to the original GPL. Refer to the attached "LICENSE" document for more information about the LGPL! To wrap it up (without warranty): 1) You are granted to sell any software that uses EasyHook over DLL or NET bindings. This is covered by the native API and the managed interface. 2) You are NOT granted to sell any software that includes parts of the EasyHook source code or any modification! If you want to modify EasyHook, you are forced to release your work under the LGPL or GPL... Of course this only applies to the library itself. For example you could release a modification of EasyHook under LGPL, while still being able to release software, which takes advantage of this modification over DLL or NET bindings, under a proprietary license! 3) You shall include a visible hint in your software that EasyHook is used as module and also point out, that this module in particular is released under the terms of the LGPL and NOT under the terms of your software (assuming that your software has another license than LGPL or GPL). I decided to release EasyHook under LGPL to prevent commercial abuse of this free work. I didn't release it under GPL, because I also want to address commercial vendors which are more common under Windows. BUG REPORTS: Reporting bugs is the only chance to get them fixed! Don't consider your report useless... I will fix any serious bug within a short time! Bugs with lower priority will always be fixed in the next release... DONATIONS: I want to add support for Itanium (II - III) processors. If you have any hardware that you don't need anymore or could donate, which >supports< a recent Windows Itanium edition (Windows license is not required), please contact me. Of course we could discuss a reasonable sponsorship reference for your company. Money for buying such hardware is also appreciated... ********************************************************************************************* ***************************************************** 2) How to compile ********************************************************************************************* Since EasyHook 2.5, compilation is dramatically simplified. Just compile once for "x***" and once for "x86". The native EasyHook DLLs will automatically be copied into their counterpart arch directory. The you will have to copy the following files into any desired "Deploy" directory: "Debug\x***\EasyHook***.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook***.dll" "Debug\x***\EasyHook***Svc.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook***Svc.dll" "Debug\x86\EasyHook32.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook32.dll" "Debug\x86\EasyHook32Svc.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook32Svc.dll" "Debug\x***\EasyHook.dll" -> "Deploy\EasyHook.dll" "Debug\x***\EasyHook.dll.xml" -> "Deploy\EasyHook.dll.xml" "Debug\x86\EasyHook32Drv.sys" -> "Deploy\EasyHook32Drv.sys" "Debug\x***\EasyHook***Drv.sys" -> "Deploy\EasyHook***Drv.sys" Of course this is not necessary for testing purposes. As long as you keep all test applications in either the "x86" or "x***" directory, they will run properly. The "Deploy" directory is meant to contain all files necessary to ship an application based on EasyHook. This is what you get with the "Binaries Only" package. ********************************************************************************************* ***************************************************** 3) Prerequisites ********************************************************************************************* Since the CRT is now statically compiled into the DEBUG version, you won't need the Visual Studio Redistributable package anymore. The RELEASE version will compile without CRT, which heavily reduces the resulting binary size! For testing purposes I would always recommend to use the DEBUG version...


