
上传日期:2010-02-03 10:42:50
上 传 者map0912
说明:  程序主要包括:1.MyInit.m 数据初始化 输出参数: XTrueZ 目标真实轨迹 Z0 目标观测值 T 采样周期 Q 系统误差阵 DeltaR 距离误差 DeltaSita 方位角误差 DeltaBeta 俯仰角误差 totaltime 运动时间 montimes 蒙特卡罗仿真次数 2. EKF.m [Z1]= EKF Z1: 输出EKF滤波后结果 3. CMKF.m [Z2]= CMKF Z2: 输出CMKF滤波后结果 4. GetR.m CMKF算法中误差阵R的计算 5. CompareEandC.m EKF和CMKF、最小二乘滤波后结果比较 部分绘图代码不全,具体结果请参见 信号实验作业.doc 文档 6.source.m 产生带野值的数据 7. RemoveWilddata.m 野值剔除算法
(Procedures will include: 1. MyInit.m initialization data output parameters: XTrueZ target the real target trajectory Z0 sampling period T observed value Q system error array DeltaR distance error DeltaSita azimuth error DeltaBeta pitch angle error totaltime exercise time montimes the number of Monte-Carlo simulation 2. EKF.m [Z1] = EKF Z1: Output EKF filtered results 3. CMKF.m [Z2] = CMKF Z2: Output CMKF filtered results 4. GetR.m CMKF algorithm for the calculation of error R array 5. CompareEandC.m EKF and CMKF, least-squares filtering Comparison of part of the drawing code after the failure, specifically the results of experimental work, see the signal. Doc document 6. source.m generate the data with outliers 7. RemoveWilddata.m outliers removed Algorithm)

程序\CMKF.m (4648, 2003-06-23)
程序\compareEandC.asv (3019, 2003-06-23)
程序\compareEandC.m (3230, 2003-06-23)
程序\EKF.m (5422, 2003-06-23)
程序\GetR.m (1217, 2003-04-03)
程序\MYInit.m (3991, 2003-06-22)
程序\RemoveWilddata.m (2388, 2003-04-30)
程序\source.m (3630, 2003-04-30)
程序 (0, 2006-03-29)


