
开发工具:C++ Builder
上传日期:2010-02-27 00:05:05
上 传 者kponot
说明:   A dialog component that makes it easy to add registry browsing ability to an application. It also comes with a demo program and source code. Only available for C++Builder.

DcjRootKey.h (1843, 1998-11-15)
DcjCustomDlg.h (3086, 1998-11-14)
DcjCustomEdt.cpp (3683, 1998-11-14)
DcjCustomEdt.h (1047, 1998-11-14)
DcjRegDlg.cpp (21895, 1998-11-15)
DcjRegDlg.h (5354, 1998-11-14)
DcjRegDlg.res (484, 1998-11-14)
DcjRootKey.cpp (4786, 1998-11-15)
DcjCustomDlg.cpp (4622, 1998-10-29)
Demo.zip (5083, 1998-11-15)
dcjdef.h (1317, 1998-07-10)

TDcjRegistryDlg v0.53 BETA Description: A dialog component that makes it easy to add registry browsing ability to an application. It also comes with a demo program and source code. Only available for C++Builder. Contact Information: Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions at mtrier@pobox.com. http://www.dcjournal.com Known Issues: * Not something I can do much about, but under BCB1 if sorting is on, the listview is terribly slow. Planned Changes: * Rewrite in Delphi (ughh). * A help file * Ability to load from a root but open to an initial key Installation Notes: * This is early beta software. I hate to be rude, but if you can't figure it out, please wait until the component is fully released. Revision History: ---------------------------- revision 0.53 - Added pragma link so DcjCustomDlg doesn't need to be included in the Package - Added Sorted property to allow sorting of TreeView info - Removed some testing code - Fixed a problem with the Text label where it wasn't word wrapping properly - Added a component editor to allow previewing during design time - Added hourglass during initial load. ---------------------------- revision 0.52 - Seperated TDcjRootKey class to its own unit - Included new DcjRootKey header - Changed TNodePath class to TDcjNodePath and altered private member variables ---------------------------- revision 0.51 - Added ShowNode property - Fixed some bugs with empty nodepaths - Add code to support rkNone, where it shows all RootKeys ---------------------------- revision 0.50 - Initial revision


