
上传日期:2010-02-28 00:27:14
上 传 者maxGpu
说明:  This code designed for CCS for speech recogntion using FFT based feature extraction.

sp_syn\C6713dsk.cmd (643, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\cc_build_Debug.log (1126, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\Debug.lkf (180, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\Def_total.txt (72, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\goaway.wav (14926, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\good_evening.wav (28364, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\hamming.h (255, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\input.h (48654, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\input_read.m (1348, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech.c (9680, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_\FILE.CDX (3072, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_\FILE.DBF (466, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_\FILE.FPT (883, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_\SYMBOL.CDX (28160, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_\SYMBOL.DBF (11913, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_\SYMBOL.FPT (19108, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.CS_ (0, 2009-02-02)
sp_syn\speech_syn.out (99584, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.paf2 (2059, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.pjt (1131, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn\speech_syn.sbl (2567, 2007-03-15)
sp_syn (0, 2009-02-02)

1] Copy the .wav file to be synthesized into the same directory as the input_read.m. 2] Insert the appropriate wav file to be used in the 1st line of input_read.m 3] Save and run the Matlab program, "input_read.m". header files "input.h" and "hamming.h" are generated. 4] Note the value of Def_total displayed in the Matlab command window. 5] Copy the header files-"input.h" and "hamming.h" into the ".pjt" folder. 6] Change the Def_total in "speech.c" to the corresponding value displayed in the matlab command window The values for various synthesised speech are as follows: "Go Away!" Def_total:7440 used in program "Hello Professor" Def_total:7360 "Vacation" Def_total:6880 "Good Evening" Def_total:7120 7] After modifying the above mentioned variables, build the code. 8] Run the .out file generated. 9] Listen to the synthesized voice.


