
上传日期:2010-03-04 17:08:02
上 传 者katore_vishal
说明:  MATLAB code for all of the examples in the text is supplied with the CompEcon Toolbox

CEdemos (0, 2009-08-20)
CEdemos\banana.m (216, 2002-10-08)
CEdemos\billups.m (96, 1999-01-22)
CEdemos\billupsm.m (198, 1999-09-21)
CEdemos\billupss.m (202, 1999-09-21)
CEdemos\cirbond.m (1056, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\Contents.m (6322, 2002-11-12)
CEdemos\cournot.m (338, 2008-02-14)
CEdemos\cournotres.m (195, 2002-10-01)
CEdemos\demapp00.m (360, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp01.m (3328, 2002-10-08)
CEdemos\demapp02.m (3400, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp03.m (746, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp04.m (3387, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp05.m (1844, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp06.m (2169, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp07.m (2755, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp08.m (1662, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp09.m (1406, 2004-02-26)
CEdemos\demapp10.m (866, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\demapp11.m (1155, 2002-06-17)
CEdemos\dembvp01.m (980, 2002-10-08)
CEdemos\dembvp02.m (1257, 2002-10-08)
CEdemos\demddp01.m (1903, 2002-08-30)
CEdemos\demddp02.m (1461, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demddp03.m (1926, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demddp04.m (2057, 2002-10-08)
CEdemos\demddp05.m (2818, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demddp06.m (2144, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demddp07.m (2247, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demddp08.m (1488, 2002-06-26)
CEdemos\demddp09.m (1608, 2001-11-12)
CEdemos\demddp10.m (2585, 2001-11-12)
CEdemos\demddp11.m (2048, 2001-11-12)
CEdemos\demdif01.m (1495, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demdif02.m (1002, 2002-04-14)
CEdemos\demdif03.m (2007, 2002-08-19)
CEdemos\demdp01.m (2993, 2002-11-12)
CEdemos\demdp02.m (2605, 2002-11-12)
CEdemos\demdp03.m (1908, 2002-08-19)
... ...

Revised: 11/12/2002 If you are reading this file, you must have unzipped the file This should be unzipped into a directory called COMPECON, which itself has two subdirectories CETOOLS and CEDEMOS (directory information attached to the files) To use the toolbox, you must change the MATLAB path so it can find the files. Type cepath='d:\compecon\'; path([cepath 'cetools;' cepath 'cedemos'],path); at the MATLAB command line. It is assumed that COMPECON is on the D: drive; if not, change cepath in the line above. To have this occur automatically add this line to your matlabrc.m or startup.m files (these can be located using the which command). It is preferable to locate the compecon directory as a subdirectory of main matlab path; this leads MATLAB to skip checking file time stamps and leads to speedier execution. To see a listing of all the toolbox functions, type help cetools. To see a listing of all the demonstration files, type help cedemos. This toolbox is available on the internet at Please do not distribute this toolbox; instead provide the URL. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NON-WINDOWS AND VERSION 6 USERS A number of the routines provided in this toolbox are coded in C as MEX files. We have provided versions of these for Windows users of MATLAB ver. 5. If you run a different system you should create the mex files. A utility in this directory (MEXALL.M) will create these mex files. It is assumed that you have a C compiler and can create mex files. See MATLAB's Applications Interface documentation for details. There is included in the distribution a zipped file containing Version 6 DLLs for Windows users ( Overwrite the Version 5 DLLs with these files or run MEXALL. Note 3/20/03: The file is now out of date. There are new MEX files in the toolbox so ver 6 users should run MEXALL


