
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2005-08-18 15:09:39
上 传 者cnhh
说明:  这是我刚刚完成的关于JPEG2000的C语言实现的部分程序。小波变换是采用97变换,其中MQ解码部分还有些问题。欢迎大家给些建议,。
(This is my just completed JPEG2000 on the C language of some of the procedures. The wavelet transform is used 97 transformation, which is also part of MQ decoding some of the problems. You are welcome to these proposals.)

ClipView.Vbp (1029, 1998-03-09)
CSFont.cls (4705, 1998-03-09)
FClipView.frm (11588, 1998-03-09)
MClipMain.bas (3926, 1998-03-09)
MClipView.bas (16812, 1998-03-09)
MHookMe.bas (3096, 1997-09-23)
MLocaleInfo.bas (14577, 1998-03-09)

WINDOWS ù° ClipView is a demonstration of various techniques VB5 can use to manipulate data on the Windows clipboard. It supports most of the standard formats, and is built with the idea that as formats for private formats become known support for those can be readily added in. If you develop any new format support for ClipView, I would love to hear about it! You can email me at . Be aware that the enclosed EXE was compiled with VB5/SP3, so if you haven't yet installed this service pack you'll need to recompile the source in order to try it. It also uses native subclassing of the main form, but most of the development was done using MsgHook. If you would like to do extensive additions, my recommendation would be to drop an instance of MsgHook on the main form, uncomment the MsgHook1_Message routine, and comment out the hooking code in Form_Load and Form_Unload. Have Fun! Karl Peterson


