上传日期:2005-08-19 10:05:57
上 传 者vivaldi
说明:  The purpose of this program is to enable building a config file to the radarFDTD package using a modern GUI.

radarFDTD (0, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTDGUI (0, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc (0, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc\pod2htmd.tmp (3, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc\pod2htmi.tmp (3, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc\manual (12990, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc\radarFDTD.man (18308, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc\radarFDTD.txt (13383, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\doc\radarFDTD.html (16763, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\src (0, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\src\ComputeBoundarySigma.c (15405, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\MyAlloc.c (3971, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\Order.c (3055, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\Whirl.c (1349, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\radarFDTD.c (57021, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\src\Output.c (12271, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\ReadConfig.c (24089, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTD\src\PMLFunctions.c (2707, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\ComponentUpdate.c (63686, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\output.c (11996, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\src\units.c (2855, 2000-05-04)
radarFDTD\test (0, 2000-05-05)
radarFDTD\test\sim.cfg (2038, 2000-05-05)
radarFDTD\Makefile (775, 2000-05-05)
radarFDTD\sim.cfg (2038, 2000-05-05)
radarFDTD\INSTALL (1019, 2000-05-05)
radarFDTDGUI\addbox.ui (20596, 2004-08-20)
radarFDTDGUI\addxmtform.cpp (6844, 2004-08-30)
radarFDTDGUI\Makefile (13892, 2004-09-25)
radarFDTDGUI\sinesquaremodeconfigform.ui.h (843, 2004-08-18)
radarFDTDGUI\sinemodeconfigform.cpp (3657, 2004-08-30)
radarFDTDGUI\radaFDTDGui.ui.h (42110, 2004-09-11)
radarFDTDGUI\addsphere.ui (17746, 2004-08-20)
radarFDTDGUI\addbox.cpp (6960, 2004-08-30)
radarFDTDGUI\addrcvform.cpp (8020, 2004-08-30)
radarFDTDGUI\structs.h (648, 2004-09-10)
radarFDTDGUI\radarFDTDGUI.pro (460, 2004-09-07)
radarFDTDGUI\gaussianpulseconfigform.h (1588, 2004-08-30)
... ...

So, finally I managed to write some info stuff for all this... radarFDTD was developed while I was writing my final thesis to get my 'Physik-Diplom' which is roughly comparable to a master degree. I started with a very, very easy simulation which can be hacked into a computer within a few hours now, which only allowed a fully three-dimensional simulation of electromagnetic waves without any boundary conditions and materials. While moving on everything got a bit more difficult, after inserting materials into the code (which is still very, very slow - just imagine doing "if's" every now and then to determine which material is at this spot...); also the materials are very simple, each yee-cell has only one number assigning a material to this cell. This should be changed soon, since it might cause problems in certain situations. The final things introduced into the program were highly efficient absobing boundary conditions proposed by Berenger in 1994 (for a citation, please have a look at the end of this file). These were modified by Fang and Wu in 1996 who proposed the "Generalised Perfectly Matched Layers" (Don't fear I won't go into detail here, if you are eager to learn more about these ABCs (absorbing boundary conditions), drop me a mail or get that paper.) I spent most of my time to get these things to work, in the end I had to hunt down a bug, which I eventually found after two tideous months of searching, which was, of course, just a tiny typo :-(. To get a idea where this error was located have a look at the file ComponentUpdate.c. INSTALL/USAGE I have not included something like ./configure; make; make install since it is firstly quite unnecessary for this thing: it should just compile with a simple make. Secondly, there is only one executable file which you can compile to any place you think you might need it (even to /usr/local/bin). A detailed overview about the usage of radarFDTD can be found in the attached perl-script manual.pl, which generates text, man, latex and html output (as long as pod2xxx is installed) when started. MISC What else do you need to know? Well, if you are able to read and understand German, you can download my thesis and read about some of the simulations I have done. The URL currently is (May 2000) http://cupido.geophys.nat.tu-bs.de/radarfdtd/index.html, if this is not valid anymore, please drop me an email. CITATIONS @Article{Berenger1994, author = {J.--P. Berenger}, title = {A Perfectly Matched Layer for the Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1994}, volume = {114}, pages = {185--200}, } @Article{Berenger1996, author = {J.--P. Berenger}, title = {Three--Dimensional Perfectly Matched Layer for the Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1996}, volume = {127}, pages = {363--379}, } @Article{Fang1996, author = {J. Fang and Z. Wu}, title = {Generalized Perfectly Matched Layer for the Absorption of Propagating and Evanescent Waves in Lossless and Lossy Media}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques}, year = {1996}, volume = {44}, number = {12}, pages = {2216--2222}, month = {December}, }


