
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2004-06-17 22:38:30
上 传 者leinuo
说明:  H.263协议源码
(H.263 protocol source)

_h263\DECODE\CHANGES (11367, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\CONFIG.H (2004, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\DISCLAIM (1088, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\DISPLAY.C (14184, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\DITHER.C (6748, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GETBITS.C (4031, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GETBLK.C (9905, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GETHDR.C (5268, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GETPIC.C (31345, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GETVLC.C (5284, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GETVLC.H (9893, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\GLOBAL.H (8149, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\IDCT.C (6400, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\IDCTREF.C (3532, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\INDICES.H (5382, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\MAKEFILE (2185, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\RECON.C (22274, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\SAC.C (6212, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\SACTBLS.H (14253, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\STORE.C (12081, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\TMNDEC.C (11916, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\TMNDEC.H (3108, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\TMNDEC.MAK (9965, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\TODO (107, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\WIN.C (9668, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\WIN.H (3211, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\YUV2RGB.C (17580, 1996-06-14)
_h263\DECODE\YUVRGB24.C (5588, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\CHANGES (11367, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\CODER.C (31689, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\CONFIG.H (6356, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\COUNTBIT.C (32222, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\DCT.C (8866, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\DISCLAIM (1088, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\INDICES.H (4849, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\IO.C (6923, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\MACROS.H (2147, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\MAIN.C (31416, 1996-06-14)
_h263\ENCODE\MAKEFILE (1691, 1996-06-14)
... ...

tmndecode ========= Version 2.0, June 14, 1996 (C) Telenor R&D, Karl Olav Lillevold tmndecode is a decoder and player for H.263 bitstreams. It can display the decoded sequence at 8, 16, and 24(32) bits colordepths in both X11 and Microsoft Win32 window systems. For QCIF resolutions the display speed should be real-time on most systems. tmndecode was originally based on mpeg2decode and mpeg2play. What is left is the file organization, the io-routines and some of the display- routines for X11. mpeg2decode is (C) 1994, MPEG Software Simulation Group and mpeg2play is (C) Stefan Eckart, stefan@lis.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de. Most of the 16 and 24(32) bit colordepth routines are from mpeg_play, and are (C) 1995 Erik Corry. Compatibility ============= This H.263 decoder is believed to be compatible with the description of the H.263 standard as of May 7, 1996. All the the negotiable coding modes described in the standard are implemented: the Unrestricted Motion Vector mode, the Syntax-based Arithmetic Coding mode, the Advanced Prediction mode and the PB-frames mode. See the CHANGES file for changes since the last version. See the TODO file for items not included in this version. An H.263 (TMN5) compatible encoder with the same modes (tmn) and some sample bitstreams are also available from Telenor's ftp site bonde.nta.no in /pub/tmn/software/. TMN was the Test Model Near-term for the ITU-LBC group working towards a standard for video telephony on normal analogue telephone lines. This standard is called H.263. Installation ============ This software should work on most 32 bit systems. I have tested it with OSF/1, SunOS-4.1.3, Linux, and Windows 95/NT. Display works with both X11 and Windows. Use Makefile to compile under Unix. Windows: The enclosed makefile tmndec.mak can be used with Visual C++. If you use another compiler or makefile, define WINDOWS and USE_TIME. If you can't get it to compile with a different Win32 compiler, I will probably not be able to help you. Bitstreams encoded with older version than 1.6 of our encoder are no longer decodable. Usage ===== Usage: tmndec {options} bitstream {outputfilename%d} Options: -vn verbose output (n: level) Instructs tmndecode to generate informative output about the sequence to stdout. Increasing level (-v1, -v2) results in more detailed output. -on output format n=0 : YUV n=1 : SIF n=2 : TGA n=3 : PPM n=4 : X11 Display n=5 : YUV concatenated n=6 : Windows 95/NT display Use -o5 for the same format as the Telenor encoder uses. You have to choose one output format! -q disable warnings to stderr -r use double precision IDCT -t enable low level tracing -x interpolate pictures to double size before display (on Windows, maximize display window to get double size display) -fn frame rate in frames per second n=0 : as fast as possible n=99 : read frame rate from bitstream (default) -l loop sequence Setting this flag results in repeated display of the sequence. Contact me at kol@nta.no if you have trouble using tmndecode or find any bugs. For the latest information on new versions and H.263 docs, check our WWW page at http://www.nta.no/brukere/DVC/. CREDITS ======= Juha Mustonen first included code for 24 bit colordepth. I changed this with code for both 16 and 24 (32) bits written by Erik Corry, and added my own routine for 24 bits packed mode. Juha then suggested improvements and helped me test the new modes. Patrick Mulroy and Wayne Ellis at BT Labs did most of the SAC work included in version 1.4. Anurag Bist at Rockwell had the idea and implementation outline for double sized display. Michael Third at Intel Architecture Labs wrote the first version of the Windows display running in a separate thread. -- Karl Olav Lillevold --> http://www.nta.no/brukere/kol/


