
上传日期:2004-06-30 22:56:24
上 传 者liwen
说明:  FreeGuide TV Guide是一个TV向导程序,它从Internet上抓取许多国家的TV节目列表,可以让你查看它们,并构造一个性化的向导以打印输出。它使用XMLTV工具来抓取列表,需要Java 1.4或更高版本。
(FreeGuide TV Guide is a TV guide procedure, it captures many national from Internet the TV programs to tabulate, may let you examine them, and a structure individuality guide printout. It uses the XMLTV tool to capture tabulates, needs Java 1.4 or a higher edition. )

build.xml (7418, 2003-04-18)
doc (0, 2003-04-18)
doc\channels.png (6279, 2002-10-30)
doc\contributors.html (1374, 2003-02-27)
doc\COPYING (17992, 2002-06-13)
doc\customise.png (7411, 2002-10-30)
doc\design.html (8421, 2002-12-20)
doc\developers.html (2730, 2003-01-22)
doc\favourites.png (7985, 2002-10-30)
doc\index.html (1840, 2002-12-20)
doc\INSTALL (2098, 2002-12-20)
doc\INSTALL-linux.html (4252, 2003-04-18)
doc\INSTALL-windows.html (4216, 2003-04-16)
doc\options.png (7309, 2002-10-30)
doc\stylesheet.css (481, 2002-06-13)
doc\TODO (14204, 2003-04-18)
doc\ (133, 2002-06-13)
doc\viewer.png (20554, 2002-10-30)
src (0, 2003-04-18)
src\install (0, 2003-04-18)
src\install\FreeGuideInstall.form (15738, 2002-06-13)
src\install\ (9097, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-de.props (1557, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-es.props (1647, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-fi.props (1648, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-it.props (1647, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-na.props (1695, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-nl.props (1650, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-nz.props (1616, 2003-02-27)
src\install\install-lin-sn.props (1656, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-lin-uk.props (1643, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-win-de.props (1741, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-win-es.props (1845, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-win-fi.props (1846, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-win-na.props (1888, 2003-04-18)
src\install\install-win-nl.props (1848, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-win-sn.props (1854, 2003-04-16)
src\install\install-win-uk.props (6640, 2003-04-16)
... ...

FreeGuide 0.5 Readme Contents * Introduction * Licence * Installing FreeGuide * Using FreeGuide * Notes Introduction FreeGuide is a TV guide programme. It uses parser programmes to extract TV information from web pages and stores them for viewing without the need to connect to the Internet. The viewer allows the user to view television listings and create customised TV guides by selecting programmes and by building up a favourites list. It works for UK, US, Canadian, German, Swedish and Norwegian listings, and has experimental support for listings for New Zealand. FreeGuide is written by the FreeGuide contributors (copyright 2001-2003). Please do send code, ideas, bugs and comments to FreeGuide's home page is at You can contact the lead developer, Andy Balaam at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics (CCNR), University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK. FreeGuide uses the XMLTV parsers (and file format) developed by the very friendly people at XMLTV ( and It also contains a little code by Slava Pestov from the JEdit project ( Licence This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This licence is contained in the file COPYING This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 US Installing FreeGuide FreeGuide is written in Java, and thus should work on most types of computer. It is developed and tested on Linux and Windows. Windows users should read the Windows installation docs. Linux and other Unix-like users should read the Linux installation docs. Other people should try following the Linux instructions, but note that you will definitely need Java 1.4, which may be a problem on Mac OS. Using FreeGuide The first time you run FreeGuide it will check that everything is set up correctly, and allow you to change things if something's gone wrong. If you followed the installation instructions for your platform exactly, but you get an error here, it's a bug - sorry! - contact the developers and we'll sort you out. If all has gone well, FreeGuide will know what channels you want, but won't be able to show any programmes because you haven't downloaded them yet. When it starts it will ask you whether you want to go to the download screen. Connect to the Internet, and click Yes. Cross your fingers and wait. If all is well, the listings should eventually download (it can take some time), and you can click OK to start using FreeGuide. If you've had problems, click "Show Output" and look at what's happened. Now you'll need to go to the Options screen and try to sort it out. Email if you need help. On the main screen time advances from left to right (click "Go To Now" to see what's on now), and the channels are shown one below another. The + and - buttons change the day you are looking at, or you can choose a day from the list. You can click on a programme (making it go grey) to add it to your personalised TV guide for today, which is shown in the bottom section of the window. You can make programmes highlight themselves by adding them to your favourites list (under the "Tools" menu click "Favourites"). Any programme matching a favourite will be ticked automatically. You can always un-tick programmes if you wish. You can also make a programme a favourite by right-clicking it and choosing "Add to Favourites". Clicking "Print this personalised listing" will open up your web browser with your customised TV guide, and you can print it by choosing "File" and then "Print" in your browser. To download more listings, click on "Download Listings". Check out the "Tools" menu to customise FreeGuide and alter varius options. Notes If FreeGuide used to work for you and has now stopped, it is probably because the web site it grabs listings from has changed its format. Check the XMLTV page for updated parsers. If FreeGuide won't work for you, why not make it work? If you're having trouble, ask us and we'll be glad to help. Check out our TODO list. Support for New Zealand listings doesn't appear to work as far as I can tell, so I'm calling it "experimental". Let me know if you have any success with this. I _think_ the grabber provided with XMLTV 0.5.5 just doesn't work for some reason. If you do use the nz grabber, you'll have to leave the preference setting for grabber config file location as %home%/.xmltv/tv_grab_nz since the grabber is unable to use a file in a different location. If you use the North American grabber on Linux it will never overwrite listings files that already exist without giving you a choice. If you want it to overwrite a particular file, delete it from ~/.freeguide-tv/. If you grab some listings late in a day, nearing the grabber's idea of the end of a day (e.g. close to 6am for the UK grabber) then you may be told that there are missing listings for that day even though you've just grabbed new listings. This is because the grabbing has started from tomorrow, so what's left of today doesn't have a full set of listings. Don't worry about this - just say "No" and you should be able to see what you need. If you install the Windows version and choose UK as your region, and then uninstall FreeGuide at a later date, some files will not be removed from C:\Perl\share\xmltv. You may remove them manually if you like.


