
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2004-09-13 17:37:29
上 传 者Tursun
说明:  SMPT 协议应用 实例
(researched agreement Application)

TestServer (0, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\bin (0, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\bin\TestServer.exe (22528, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\bin\TestServer.pdb (91648, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\Module1.vb (823, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\obj (0, 2000-12-25)
TestServer\obj\Debug (0, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\obj\Debug\temp (0, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\obj\Debug\TempPE (0, 2000-12-25)
TestServer\obj\Debug\TestServer.exe (22528, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\POP3Server.vb (15409, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\SMailServer.vb (15957, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\SMTPServer.vb (16515, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\TestServer.sln (781, 2000-12-24)
TestServer\TestServer.suo (126464, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\TestServer.vbproj (4152, 2000-12-29)
TestServer\TestServer.vbproj.user (1324, 2000-12-29)

This application code in bare minimun implementation of SMTP and POP3 protocol and is just intendend to show the cabability of Visual basic .NET Multithreading, Socket and IO. Application is not tested musch but it work with bare minimun functionality.I am testing it and will upgrade it as it is done. This application at present require some directory structure to be followed. application mailbox directory is C:\Temp\SMTP \SPOOL \[Pop 3 user name as directory] It can send email message to outside world too . but this all depend upon the cabability of the external SMTP server .. It is hardcode here as my SMTP server in India.The minimum requirment to test this is Create a Directory with some name in C:\Temp\SMTP ex. C:\Temp\SMTP\pramodkumarsingh this means that there is a user with name pramodkumarsingh.This application doesn't check for any password.. at present but subsequent upgrade will have all the functionality .. or some one can upgrade and make that .. if any body wants... C:\Temp\SMTP\SPOOL directory is a requirment to dump the SMTP file and then in backgroung put that to subsequent mailboxes. I feel this is a good application to demonstarte the capability od Visual basic .NET Please don't rely on this application for your mail application at least in this version.


