开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2004-11-10 15:07:05
上 传 者bdstarboy
说明:  vc做的一个标尺
(vc do a yardstick )

Ruler.cpp (3839, 1998-01-18)
Ruler.dcr (468, 1998-01-18)
Ruler.h (3098, 1998-01-18)
RULER.INF (839, 1998-01-22)

Borland C++ Builder component TRuler. Freeware soft. No any warranty. Programmer - Eugene Karataev. august@omega.ru Filelist: - Ruler.h - header file - Ruler.cpp - source file and registration code - Ruler.dcr - image for component palette. Registration component: Unzip all files from Ruler.zip into temporary directory. In C++ Builder choose Component, Install, Add, Browse, and point file locator to component location. Choose file Ruler.cpp. Press OK. Best place for Ruler.h - INCLUDE/VCL, for Ruler.cpp and Ruler.dcr - LIB/OBJ. Ruler show big, small and half strokes and indicate mouse position. Property: FullHeight - big stroke size in pixels HalfHeight - half stroke size in pixels PixelsByUnit - pixels between big strokes RulerDetails - how many small strokes between two big strokes RulerStep - big strokes step if 1 - 0, 1, 2, 3, ... if 5 - 0, 5, 10, 15, ... RulerType - horizontal or vertical ruler SmallHeight - small stroke size in pixels ZeroPosition - where is zero point - for horizontal - from left, for vertical - from top in pixels Method - double MouseToUnit( void); return mouse coordinates relative self. TRuler class inherited from TCustomPanel and you can operate with this component as with TPanel.


