
上传日期:2004-11-15 11:18:12
上 传 者老胡1
说明:  短信发送的例子
(example SMS)

SMSDemo (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\bin (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\bin\MANIFEST.MF (661, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bin\SMSDemo.jad (858, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bin\build.bat (1140, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bin\run.bat (245, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bin\SMSDemo.jar (8567, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\res (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\src (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\src\example (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\src\example\sms (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\src\example\sms\ (6586, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\src\example\sms\ (4603, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\src\example\sms\ (3687, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\src\example\cbs (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\src\example\cbs\ (5753, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bridgeAPIExample (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\bridgeAPIExample\ (9550, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bridgeAPIExample\buildExample.bat (68, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\bridgeAPIExample\runBridgeAPIExample.bat (250, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\lib (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example\sms (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example\sms\SMSReceive.class (4591, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example\sms\SMSSender.class (2724, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example\sms\SMSSend.class (3333, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example\cbs (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\tmpclasses\example\cbs\CBSReceive.class (3896, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\classes (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\classes\example (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\classes\example\sms (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\classes\example\sms\SMSReceive.class (4936, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\classes\example\sms\SMSSender.class (2953, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\classes\example\sms\SMSSend.class (3575, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\classes\example\cbs (0, 1997-01-01)
SMSDemo\classes\example\cbs\CBSReceive.class (4269, 2003-10-15)
SMSDemo\tmplib (0, 1997-01-01)

This directory contains the class WMABridgeAPIExample and scripts to build and run it. is a J2SE program that uses the Wireless Toolkit's WMA Bridge API to send and receive SMS and CBS messages to and from emulators in the toolkit environment. You can use the WMABridgeAPIExample class as an example for how to integrate your own J2SE programs into the Wireless Toolkit's messaging environment. Two scripts (buildExample and runBridgeAPIExample) are provided to build the program and run it. To run the demo you should ensure that the runBridgeAPIExample script (.bat or .sh) properly sets the "kvem.home" property to the directory containing the Wireless Toolkit. By default the script points to the directory C:\WTK20 (or /usr/local/WTK20), but you should edit this value if you have installed the toolkit in a different location.


