
上传日期:2004-12-08 09:38:57
上 传 者pingbincode
说明:  編譯器的accent語法分析器
( 鈻♀枴accent 鈻aw analyzer )

accent-0.8 (0, 2003-11-05)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8 (0, 2003-11-05)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\COPYING (18787, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc (0, 2003-11-05)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\algorithms.html (11253, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\index.html (2801, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\installation.html (2630, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\language.html (12249, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\overview.html (5650, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\lex.html (6995, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\tutorial.html (28902, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\usage.html (4583, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\distribution.html (2106, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\GPL (18787, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\gmd.gif (2265, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\a.gif (538, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\logo.gif (268, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\spec.acc (350, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\spec.lex (299, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\auxil.c (172, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\doc\build (172, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate (0, 2003-11-05)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\bnf.g (14254, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\encode.g (17213, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\code.g (2457, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\flatten.g (6663, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\verbose.g (4815, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\lexinfo.g (2781, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\actions.g (14554, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\Ident.t (126, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\Char.t (697, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\Number.t (78, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\CodeBlock.t (2625, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\COMMENTS.b (584, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\sets.h (1017, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\sets.c (2280, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\ana.c (9701, 2003-01-22)
accent-0.8\accent-0.8\generate\auxil.c (1108, 2003-01-22)
... ...

ACCENT 0.8 A Compiler Compiler for the Entire Class of Context-Free Languages WELCOME to Accent, a compiler compiler that can be used without any knowledge of parser implementation. Accent supports all context-free grammars without any restrictions. Just specify the natural grammar of your language and ignore LL and LR limitations. From your grammar Accent creates a program that reads a text written in your language and discovers its structure. The program then processses this structure and executes semantic actions that you attached to your grammar. LICENSE Copyright (C) 1999 Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. See the file COPYING. DOCUMENTATION The directory doc contains the documentation in HTML format. Point your browser at doc/index.html INSTALLATION Go to directory accent and type build This creates the Accent compiler compiler. Then go to directory art and type build This creates the Accent Runtime. See also the file doc/installation.html USAGE Go to directory run and type build This cretates a simple language processor as a first example. See the file doc/usage.html for a discussion. SUPPORT Please send questions and bug reports to Friedrich Wilhelm Schroeer German National Research Center for Information Technology WEB


