
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-03-29 15:38:22
上 传 者bowang
说明:  最好的商用AAC编解码器,neroaac的编码及解码程序。
(latest Nero AAC coder & decoder,best AAC coding algorithm.)

changelog.txt (3198, 2009-12-17)
license.txt (4157, 2009-12-16)
linux (0, 2009-12-29)
linux\neroAacDec (395236, 2009-12-17)
linux\neroAacEnc (910988, 2009-12-29)
linux\neroAacTag (251620, 2009-12-17)
NeroAAC_tut.pdf (462441, 2009-12-11)
win32 (0, 2009-12-29)
win32\neroAacDec.exe (397312, 2009-12-17)
win32\neroAacEnc.exe (868352, 2009-12-29)
win32\neroAacTag.exe (259584, 2009-12-17)

************************************************************* * * * Nero AAC Encoder * * Copyright 2009 Nero AG * * All Rights Reserved Worldwide * * * * Package build date: Dec 17 2009 * * Package version: * * * * See -help for a complete list of available parameters. * * * ************************************************************* Usage: neroAacEnc [options] -if -of Where: : Path to source file to encode. The file must be in Microsoft WAV format and contain PCM data. Specify - to encode from stdin. : Path to output file to encode to, in MP4 format. ==== Available options: ==== Quality/bitrate control: -q : Enables "target quality" mode. is a floating-point number in 0...1 range. -br : Specifies "target bitrate" mode. is target bitrate in bits per second. -cbr : Specifies "target bitrate (streaming)" mode. is target bitrate in bits per second. When neither of above quality/bitrate options is used, the encoder defaults to equivalent of -q 0.5 Multipass encoding: -2pass : Enables two-pass encoding mode. Note that two-pass more requires a physical file as input, rather than stdin. -2passperiod : Overrides two-pass encoding bitrate averaging period, : in milliseconds. : Specify zero to use least restrictive value possible (default). Advanced features / troubleshooting: -lc : Forces use of LC AAC profile (HE features disabled) -he : Forces use of HE AAC profile (HEv2 features disabled) -hev2 : Forces use of HEv2 AAC profile Note that the above switches (-lc, -he, -hev2) should not be used; optimal AAC profile is automatically determined from quality/bitrate settings when no override is specified. -ignorelength : Ignores length signaled by WAV headers of input file. Useful for certain frontends using stdin.


