3ds Unit3 

上传日期:2005-01-01 13:40:08
上 传 者wangqiufen
说明:  delphi与图形学结合编程的一个小城许
(delphi programming combined with the graphics of a city Hsu)

3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad (0, 2003-11-23)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\CHROMIC.JPG (72737, 2002-09-12)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\CHROMSUN.JPG (36398, 2002-09-12)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Project1.cfg (400, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Project1.dof (1097, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Project1.dpr (252, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Project1.res (876, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\sulaco.3DS (109446, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\surface.bmp (49206, 2001-03-14)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Textures.pas (18103, 2002-10-07)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\UglContext.pas (2844, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Unit1.ddp (51, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Unit1.dfm (557, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Unit1.pas (2917, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Unit3DS.pas (30616, 2003-11-23)
3DS Sulaco\1 - SimpleLoad\Vectors.pas (8207, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene (0, 2003-11-23)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\CHROMIC.JPG (72737, 2002-09-12)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\CHROMSUN.JPG (36398, 2002-09-12)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Project1.cfg (400, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Project1.dof (1097, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Project1.dpr (252, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Project1.res (876, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\sulaco.3DS (109446, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\surface.bmp (49206, 2001-03-14)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Textures.pas (18103, 2002-10-07)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\UglContext.pas (2844, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Unit1.ddp (51, 2003-11-18)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Unit1.dfm (676, 2003-11-16)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Unit1.pas (3275, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Unit3DS.pas (30616, 2003-11-23)
3DS Sulaco\2 - RotateScene\Vectors.pas (8207, 2003-11-19)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap (0, 2003-11-23)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\CHROMIC.JPG (72737, 2002-09-12)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\CHROMSUN.JPG (36398, 2002-09-12)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\Project1.cfg (400, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\Project1.dof (1097, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\Project1.dpr (252, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\Project1.res (876, 2003-11-08)
3DS Sulaco\3 - EnviromentMap\sulaco.3DS (109446, 2003-11-08)
... ...

***************************************************************************************** 19/11/2003 WHAT THE T3DMODEL CLASS DOES NOT DO. ------------------------------------ 1.- 3D Studio stores the materials "per face". This version of T3DModel imports only one material per object. In next releases this improvement can be done. 2.- T3DModel class does not allow to assign textures in runtime, because it is a class to import 3ds files. 3.- T3DModel class does not import Keyframe animation. T3DMODEL CLASS HINTS -------------------- 1.- Because 3D Studio does not export the normals, T3DModel Class does it for you, but the method to do this is averaging face normals and apply the result to the coincident vertices of faces. For the most of the objects is a valid method, but not for those that require sharpened faces. In next releases this improvement can be done. ***************************************************************************************** T3DModel T3DObject TMaterial TMaterialProperties TTransformList TTransform -------- T3DModel -------- Objects:array of T3DObject; Immediate access to individual objects function AddObject:T3DObject; Adds an individual 3DObject procedure Clear; Cleanup the model procedure VisibleAll; All objects are visible function LoadFromFile(const FileName:string):Boolean; Load a 3Dmodel from file function FindObject(const aName:string):T3DObject; Find one object by the 3ds name function Select(const Index:Integer):T3DObject; Select one object by the 3ds creation order procedure Draw; Draws the complete model property ObjectCount:Integer read GetObjectCount; --------- T3DObject --------- Verts:array of TVector3D; Immediate acces to vertices Normals:array of TVector3D; Immediate access to normals TexVerts:array of TVector2D; Immediate access to texture vertices Faces:array of TFace; Immediate access to faces procedure Draw; Draws this object property Visible:Boolean read FVisible write FVisible; The object is visible property ObjectName:string read FObjectName write FObjectName; 3ds object name property Material:TMaterial read FMaterial; Object material property VertexCount:Integer read FVertexCount; property TexVertexCount:Integer read FTexVertexCount; property FaceCount:Integer read FFaceCount; property NormalCount:Integer read FNormalCount; property ObjectIndex:Integer read FObjectIndex; 3ds object index property RenderMode:TRenderMode read FRenderMode write SetRenderMode; (rmTriangles, rmPoints, rmLines) property TransformList:TTransformList read FTransformList; Transformation list for this object property Selected:Boolean read FSelected write FSelected; The object has been selected --------- TMaterial --------- Shininess, Transparency:Single; procedure SetMaterialColor(const MaterialType: TMaterialType; (mtAmbient, mtDiffuse, mtSpecular) const R, G, B, Alpha:Single); property HasTexture:Boolean read FHasTexture; property DisableTexture:Boolean read FDisableTexture write FDisableTexture; property EnviromentMap:Boolean read FEnviromentMap write FEnviromentMap; property SphericalMap:Boolean read FSphericalMap write FSphericalMap; property GenTexture:Cardinal read FGenTexture write FGenTexture; property MaterialName:string read FMaterialName; Name of the 3ds material property MaterialFile:string read FMaterialFile; File of texture property Ambient:TMaterialProperties read FAmbient; 3ds ambient material property Diffuse:TMaterialProperties read FDiffuse; 3ds diffuse material property Specular:TMaterialProperties read FSpecular; 3ds specular material property Emission:TMaterialProperties read FEmission; There is no emission on 3ds file, but the object ------------------- TMaterialProperties ------------------- function ToString:string; RGBA values procedure SetRGBA(const R, G, B, Alpha:Single); Set individual RGBA procedure Apply; Apply the material to his object property Vector:TVector4f read FVector write FVector; RGBA vector (Vector.Red, Vector.Green ...) property Color:TColor read GetColor write SetColor; TColor for the material (clGreen, clBlue ...) property Alpha:Single read FVector.Alpha write FVector.Alpha; Alpha value for the material -------------- TTransformList -------------- procedure Push; Push the Transformation objects if enabled procedure Pop; Pop transformation objects if enabled property Enabled:Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; Enable transformations function AddTransform:TTransformation; Adds undefined transformation function AddTransformEx(const _TransformType:TTransformType; Add defined transformation const _Angle, _X, _Y, _Z:Single): (ttTranslate, ttRotate, ttScale) TTransformation; --------------- TTransformation --------------- procedure Apply; Apply this transformation procedure Restore; Restore this transformation property Angle:Single read FAngle write FAngle; property TransformType:TTransformType read FTransformType write FTransformType; property X:Single read FX write FX; property Y:Single read FY write FY; property Z:Single read FZ write FZ; property Enabled:Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; property Pushed:Boolean read FPushed write FPushed;


