开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2005-01-10 11:34:42
上 传 者zzren
说明:  最流行的vb程序反编译软件
(most popular procedures vb-building software)

License.txt (83, 2003-12-23)
setup.exe (2180611, 2003-05-12)
说明.txt (81, 2004-11-12)

价值1200元的VB6反编译软件 VB RezQ V2.4a 正式版,内附注册许可文件 VB RezQ - Source Recovery for Visual Basic ========================================== Lost your Visual Basic source files?... ...Call VB RezQ to your rescue! VB RezQ saves you time and effort. Let VB RezQ help you re-write your program by re-creating your source files from the data that's hidden inside the compiled file. RELEASE NOTES - Version 2.4a ============================ VB RezQ provides an accurate framework on which you can rebuild your VB application. It identifies all the source files, recovers the project file, the graphical design of each form including the graphics themselves, references to custom controls and declarations for API calls. It also identifies all events and subroutines and embedded resources. VB RezQ can recover source from all types of 32-bit Visual Basic executables i.e .exe, .ocx and .dll files created by VB4(32), VB5 and VB6. Please see the licence agreement (licence.txt) for limitations on the duplication and distribution of this software and other important information. KNOWN LIMITATIONS VB RezQ produces empty subroutines - it does not recover the source code within subroutines. The operation of VB RezQ relies on an understanding of the internal format of compiled Visual Basic executable files. There is no publicly available definition of this format. A tedious process of compiling test programs and inspecting the result has allowed much of it to be deduced. It is unlikely, however, that this testing has covered every possible aspect and it is to be expected that the occasional executable will cause problems for VB RezQ. CHANGES IN VB REZQ v2.4a 12-May-03 Added full recovery of the properties and events for these 4 commonly used custom controls in VB5 & VB6 :- MSComm (MSCOMM32.OCX), Winsock (MSWINSCK.OCX), DBList and DBCombo (DBLIST32.OCX). Added full recovery of properties and events for the Forms Designer. Added recovery of events for other commonly used Designers (.DSR). CHANGES IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF VB REZQ v2.3g 28-Apr-03 Increased the number of .FRX references that can be recovered per form. v2.3f 01-Apr-03 Fixed recovery of DBCS text (e.g. Big 5) when run under Asian language versions of Windows. v2.3d 06-Mar-03 Added recovery of all files for very large projects. VB RezQ will now display a group of up to 125 recovered files at a time. These files can be saved and then the next group of files recovered. Added facility to Copy selected text to the Windows clipboard. Improved recovery of common properties used by Designers (.DSR). Improved recovery of parameter lists for events having the same name used by different controls. Improved detection of subroutines for VB4/32 and VB5/6 p-code projects. v2.3b 10-Jan-03 Improved robustness to unexpected form encodings. Improved recovery of DataFormat property of built-in controls. v2.3a 02-Jan-03 Added full recovery of the properties and events for these 10 commonly used custom controls in VB5 & VB6 :- Common Dialog (COMDLG32.OCX), ImageCombo, ImageList, ListView, ProgressBar, Slider, StatusBar, TabStrip, Toolbar and TreeView (MSCOMCTL.OCX). Added an Options menu which enables the full recovery of custom controls to be suppressed. Improved recovery of control properties with long text values, and the DataFormat and Bindings properties of custom controls. v2.1d 22-Aug-02 Greatly improved speed of rebuilding forms containing ComboBoxes. (Earlier versions could appear to 'hang' on these forms.) Negative values of ScrollBar Min and Max properties now correctly recovered. v2.1c 6-Aug-02 Fixed an out-of-range error in handling large projects with more than 60 forms, classes and modules. Added recovery of event names for MSCOMCTL.OCX controls. v2.1a 18-Jun-01 Added creation of a script to extract additional resources. Improved identification of Designers (.dsr files) Improved recovery of VB6 subroutine names. CONTACT If you encounter problems with VB RezQ please contact us. We will do our best to help resolve them. email : support@vbrezq.com http://www.vbrezq.com/ Copyright ?2003 ThunderPeek Software, England All Rights Reserved.


