
上传日期:2005-03-03 09:59:47
上 传 者iamwesley
说明:  用java语言写的遗传算法库,包含了实例。
(java language used to write the genetic algorithm library contains examples.)

build.xml (3534, 2005-02-18)
changelog.txt (14866, 2005-02-12)
classes (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\examples (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\examples\MaxFunction.class (562, 2004-11-27)
classes\examples\MinimizingMakeChange.class (2504, 2004-11-27)
classes\examples\MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.class (1068, 2004-11-27)
classes\examples\TestGenetics.class (1754, 2004-11-27)
classes\examples\TestXML.class (1675, 2004-11-27)
classes\org (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\AllBaseTests.class (624, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\AllTests.class (660, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\BulkFitnessFunction.class (308, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\Chromosome.class (5344, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\ChromosomeTest.class (6637, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\Configuration.class (6300, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\ConfigurationTest.class (6231, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\AllDataTests.class (415, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\DataElement.class (1708, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\DataElementList.class (710, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\DataElementsDocument.class (835, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\DataTreeBuilder.class (2929, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\DataTreeBuilderTest.class (914, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\DocumentBuilderBase.class (1815, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\IDataCreators.class (450, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\IDataElement.class (646, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\data\IDataElementList.class (295, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\DefaultFitnessEvaluator.class (327, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\DefaultFitnessEvaluatorTest.class (1497, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr\AllDistrTests.class (313, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr\Breeder.class (1522, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr\DistributedGenotype.class (486, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr\ExceptionHandler.class (136, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr\IPopulationMerger.class (180, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\distr\MeanBuffer.class (462, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\eval (0, 2004-11-27)
classes\org\jgap\eval\AllEvalTests.class (311, 2004-11-27)
... ...

Thank you for trying JGAP 2.2! We are very interested in any feedback you might have, including details of how you're using JGAP, what you like about it, and what you think needs improvement. You can leave this feedback on the user's mailing list at jgap-users@lists.sourceforge.net or, if you prefer to keep these details private, you can email the JGAP project administrator at klausikm@users.sourceforge.net. The more feedback we get, the more we can improve JGAP to better meet the needs of our users. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ About This Release: This represents the second big production release of JGAP, the Java Genetic Algorithms Package. For a general list of changes, fixes, and enhancements that have been included in version 2.2, please see the changelog.txt file. The Directory "doc" included with this release contains the documentation you could find at the JGAP homepage http://jgap.sourceforge.net This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. JGAP documentation, including Javadocs and some basic introductory documents to help get you started, can be found on the JGAP home page at http://jgap.sourceforge.net. Javadocs can also be found in the javadocs/ directory of the JGAP distribution, and other documentation can be found in the docs/ directory of the distribution. For a basic introduction to using JGAP, we highly recommend reading the tutorial that can be found both on the JGAP website and in the docs/ directory. Finally, a simple example is also available in the src/examples directory. JGAP 2.2 was compiled and tested with Java 1.4 on Windows 2000. Prior versions of JGAP have been testes with Linux, MacOS and Windows XP as well. Please direct any questions, comments, problems, or inquiries to the JGAP users mailing list at: jgap-users@lists.sourceforge.net or to the JGAP developers mailing list at jgap-devl@lists.sourceforge.net. Public announcements concerning JGAP, including any new release announcements, are made on the jgap-announce mailing list. If you would like to subscribe to this list, or to any other JGAP list, please visit the JGAP mailing list manager at: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=11618 Mailing list archives are also available for each of the lists. Thanks again for trying out JGAP! --Klaus Meffert for the JGAP team ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: Please note that the latest public release of JGAP can always be found by following the "Download" link on the JGAP home page. The home page is located at http://jgap.sourceforge.net 1. If you haven't already, untar or unzip the JGAP archive into your directory of choice. 2. Simply add the jgap.jar to your classpath. If you wish to use the examples, then also add the jgap-examples.jar to your classpath. 3. Finally, if you wish to view or modify the source code, it can be found in the src/ directory of the archive. For convenience, an Ant build script is included. For more information on Ant, please see the Ant home page at http://ant.apache.org 4. Javadocs can be found in the javadocs/ directory. Other documentation, including basic documents to help you get started, can be found in the docs/ directory. A simple example can be found in the src/examples directory. If you have any questions, or run into any problems, please feel free to send a message to the JGAP users mailing list at: jgap-users@lists.sourceforge.net or to the developers mailing list at jgap-devl@lists.sourceforge.net.


