
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-03-11 12:02:10
上 传 者a_999999
说明:  一个MFC扩展类。可以炸开你的显示器!
(an MFC extension of the class. You can blow the monitor!)

MfcClassEx (0, 2005-01-19)
MfcClassEx\FloatingText.cpp (26608, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\FloatingText.h (6960, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\Generic.cpp (64770, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\Generic.h (28570, 2003-01-14)
MfcClassEx\GenericAtl.cpp (31801, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\GenericAtl.h (5696, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAdoListCtrl.cpp (17631, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAdoListCtrl.h (4335, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\myapp.cpp (4046, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\myapp.h (4911, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlFileVersion.cpp (4754, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlFileVersion.h (796, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlLog.cpp (14803, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlLog.h (3763, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlRegistry.cpp (23968, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlRegistry.h (2690, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlSystemTray.cpp (13332, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyAtlSystemTray.h (7797, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyButton.cpp (18324, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyButton.h (4166, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\mybutton.rc2 (851, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyButtonCancel.ico (766, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyButtonOk.ico (766, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyButtonResource.h (814, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyCheckListBox.cpp (2432, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyCheckListBox.h (2088, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyCrypto.cpp (23521, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyCrypto.h (7046, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyDepends.cpp (22276, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyDepends.h (10177, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyDevStudio.cpp (18837, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyDevStudio.h (3715, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyDialog.cpp (30155, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyDialog.h (7614, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\myedit.bmp (1142, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\myedit.cpp (19124, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\myedit.h (5561, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\myedit.rc2 (3514, 2002-09-21)
MfcClassEx\MyEditResource.h (1099, 2002-09-21)
... ...

The source code listed here is free for the taking. We only ask that you retain the developers' names in the files; other than that, you may use this code without restriction. In each class, detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use the class can be found at the top of the ".H" header file. Please note that there are several dependencies among these classes, which are listed in the header files. Also, all classes are coded to automatically work correctly, whether they are compiled as part of an EXE or a DLL. These classes have been in use for years, and are being continuously updated, corrected, and enhanced. If you find a bug, please drop us a line, but be aware there is no support for any of these classes. The developer's r¨sum¨ is available here. The source code on this page is supplied "as is". The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the source code on this page. MFC Classes FloatingText Provides an interesting graphic display of multi-colored words floating on a white background. The words to be displayed can come from the Registry, the String Table resource, or from a CStringList. FloatingText.cpp FloatingText.h Generic Most of the MFC class listed here use this class. "Generic" is a collection of utility functions to handle a wide variety of chores. View the header file for a listing. Generic.cpp Generic.h MyAdoListCtrl This is a simple that, given an ADO recordset, displays the data in a standard virtual list control, for unlimited number or rows. MyAdoListCtrl.cpp MyAdoListCtrl.h MyApp This CWinApp-derived class interfaces with the MyLog and MyTolTip class. MyApp.cpp MyApp.h MyButton This CButton-derived class allows you to place both text and images (bitmaps or icons) on a button. Original code from has been enhanced. MyButton.cpp MyButton.h MyButton.rc2 MyButtonCancel.ico MyButtonOk.ico MyButtonResource.h MyCheckListBox Simplifies using a listbox full of checkboxes. MyCheckListBox.cpp MyCheckListBox.h MyCrypto Vastly simplifies using the Microsoft Crypto API. This class implements RSA RC2 block encryption under MS CryptoAPI. This is by definition a 40-bit encryption scheme. MyCrypto.cpp MyCrypto.h MyDepends This class accepts the full path name of an EXE of DLL (or, by default, the currently executing program), and logs (using the MyLog class), all of the DLLs that the executable depends upon, along with information about each (such as version). Very handy for debugging remotely. (Virtually all of this code is from Matt Pietrek's article in the Microsoft Systems Journal, February 1997 issue; all I did was add a wrapper and consolidate it all into one H and one CPP file. MyDepends.cpp MyDepends.h MyDevStudio This CCmdTarget-derived class wraps automating the Microsoft Developer's Studio, and works for versions 5 and 6. Using this class you can connect to a running instance of Dev Studio, open a file, and position to a given line. MyDevStudio.cpp MyDevStudio.h MyDialog This CDialog-derived class implements: an easy way to have "stretchy" dialogs; persistence of the dialog's screen placement to the Registry; and tool tips for its controls. MyDialog.cpp MyDialog.h MyEdit This CEdit-derived class has two main features. First, it can act as an extremely versatile masked edit control. Second, it supports a context menu to set the font, and can pop a dialog box to allow multi-line editing in a larger font. MyEdit.cpp MyEdit.h MyEdit.rc2 MyEditResource.h MyEdit.bmp MyExporter This is a very simple implementation of writing data to various file types, using (mostly) ADO. The intention is to provide exporting support to applications as simply as possible. The class uses design patterns to be easily extensible: currently XLS (Excel) and CSV (comma-separated values) are the only two implemented formats. MyExporter.cpp MyExporter.h MyFileDeleteDlg This is simply a wrapper around the MFC common file dialog; it allows for file deletion. MyFileDeleteDlg.cpp MyFileDeleteDlg.h MyFileDeleteDlg.rc2 MyFileDeleteDlgResource.h MyGraph This CObject-derived class implements a very simple graph class using only the Win32 GDI routines. It support pie, line, and bar graphs. MyGraph.cpp MyGraph.h MyHyperlink This CStatic-derived class implements a hyperlink control, with support for: underlining of links; variable fonts; tool tip; clicked, un-clicked, and hover colors; "hand" cursor; and a context menu. MyHyperlink.cpp MyHyperlink.h MyHyperlink.rc2 MyHyperlinkResource.h MyHyperlink.cur MyHyperlink.bmp MyListBox This CListBox-derived class lets you set the text color and background color each item in the listbox independently. MyListBox.cpp MyListBox.h MyListCtrl This CListCtrl-derived class implements many features, including: wrappers for "IsItem( )" and "IsColumn( )"; entire-row selecting; wrapper for focus and selection state of one or more items; bookmarking items; advanced searching; automatic sorting; multiple lines of text in each item; optional gridlines; persistence of column widths and sort order to the Registry; per-column tool tips; and user-settable per-column background colors. Also corrects several Microsoft bugs and malfeatures. MyListCtrl.cpp MyListCtrl.h MyListCtrl.rc2 MyListCtrlResource.h MyListCtrl.bmp MyLog Most of the MFC classes listed here use this class for logging. This class creates output both the a file and to the Dev Studio "Output" window, and supports variable arguments, automatic __FILE__ and __LINE__ logging, millisecond-level timestamping, automatic log file size management, multiple severity levels, and optional immediate flushing of each logged character to disk. It can be enabled/disabled easily, or removed entirely for Release Mode builds. Also, the messages it TRACEs to the "Output" window can be double-clicked on to take you to the __FILE__ and __LINE__ logged. Includes a dialog box to allow the user to set the severity at runtime. MyLog.cpp MyLog.h MyLog.rc2 MyLogResource.h MyMDIClient This CWnd-derived class allows your MDI Client window to display BMP files in centered, tiled, or stretch mode, or in a custom position. Or, a color can be chosen using COLORREF values. All state values can be persisted to the Registry. Original code from Bogdan Ledwig ( MyMdiClient.cpp MyMdiClient.h MyMemoryDC This is just a utility class used by several of the other MFC classes listed here; it supports off-screen blitting for flicker-free drawing. MyMemoryDC.cpp MyMemoryDC.h MyMenu This CMenu-derived class lets you adorn your application's menu with icons the way, for example, Microsoft Excel and Word do. Original code contributors: Brent Corkum, Ben Ashley, Girish Bharadwaj, Jean-Edouard Lachand-Robert, Robert Edward Caldecott, Kenny Goers, Leonardo Zide, Stefan Kuhr, Martin Vladic, Kim Yoo Chul. MyMenu.cpp MyMenu.h MyMessageBox Has the following features: automatic support for an "Always Show This Message" checkbox (the state is stored in the Registry); accepts a String Table id or a CString; can set the title, message, and an optional detailed message; colors match the severity of the message (MB_ICONSTOP is red, etc.); supports "stretchiness", and remembers its size; supports tooltips. MyMessageBox.cpp MyMessageBox.h MyMessageBox.rc2 MyMessageBoxResource.h MyMessageBox.ico MyModelessDlg Simplifies displaying a modeless dialog with a message, an AV file, and a "Cancel" button. MyModelessDlg.cpp MyModelessDlg.h MyModelessDlg.rc2 MyModelessDlgResource.h MyModelessDlg.avi MyProgressCtrl This CProgressCtrl-derived class creates a progress control that does a gradient from one color to another, instead of one solid color. (The best example of this kind of gradient is how Windows *** does window title bars.) Colors can be set explicitly via COLORREF values, or a flag can be set to have them chosen randomly. The bar can optionally show the estimated time remaining. MyProgressCtrl.cpp MyProgressCtrl.h MyPropertyPage This class is an analog to the MyDialog class; it is meant for you to derive your property pages from instead of CPropertyPage. It provides support for printing and print preview, tooltips, and "stretchiness", MyPropertyPage.cpp MyPropertyPage.h MyRegistry Many of the classes below use this class to persist their data to the Registry. This class supports reading and writing CString's, string table entries, bool's, int's, UINT's, and binary data. It can use bit masks to store multiple flag values in one DWORD. It can do a poor man's encryption of values to prevent casual snooping in the Registry. It supports deleting values, keys, and recursive key deletes. MyRegistry.cpp MyRegistry.h MyRichEditCtrl This extensive class provides support for a formatting toolbar (included) that handles bold, italic, underline, indenting, font/point-size selection, bulleting, numbering and color. Also included is clipboard support, printing and print preview, and a built-in context menu. MyRichEditCtrl.cpp MyRichEditCtrl.h MyRichEditCtrl.rc2 MyRichEditCtrlResource.h MyRichEditCtrlFormatBar.bmp MyRichEditCtrlMenu.bmp MySax2 This class provides default implementations for Microsoft's SAX2 interfaces ISAXContentHandler, ISAXErrorHandler, and ISAXDTDHandler (part of their XML products housed in MSXML3.DLL). The class also provides an example of how to write SAX-enabled code. MySax2.cpp MySax2.h MySingleInstance Encapsulates code that restricts your application to having only one running instance at a time, using a mutex based on your application's window class name. MySingleInstance.cpp MySingleInstance.h MySpinCtrl This CSpinButtonCtrl-derived class has support for DWORD range values (2 billion, instead of 32,767). Also corrects some annoyances in the base class, and makes buddy-ing with an edit control easier. MySpinCtrl.cpp MySpinCtrl.h MyStatic This CStatic-derived class is similar to the Visual Basic "label" control, and allows you to set fonts, point size, color, underline, bold, italics, fore- and background colors, the "sunken" and "border" attributes, and variable-speed foreground and background blinking (with user-specified timeout). MyStatic.cpp MyStatic.h MyTipDlg An improved "Tip of the Day" dialog box; tips are read from the string table. MyTipDlg.cpp MyTipDlg.h MyTipDlg.rc2 MyTipDlgResource.h MyTipDlgNext.ico MyTipDlgPrev.ico MyTipDlg.bmp MyToolTipCtrl An improved tooltip control, with support for an optional faint click sound. MyToolTipCtrl.cpp MyToolTipCtrl.h MyToolTipCtrl.rc2 MyToolTipCtrlResource.h MyToolTipCtrl.wav ATL Classes GenericAtl This is the ATL version of my MFC class "Generic", but it is a work-in-progress. Most of the utility functions in this class have been commented out, pending re-implementation under ATL. GenericAtl.cpp GenericAtl.h MyAtlFileVersion This class allows you to read the "version" resource info from EXE and DLL files. MyAtlFileVersion.cpp MyAtlFileVersion.h MyAtlLog This is the ATL version of my MFC class "MyLog", with a few extra features. First, the log file created is an XML file (this will allow for custom, extensible log viewer applications to be written in the future). Also, four levels of severity can be written (Audit, Error, Warning, and Trace). MyAtlLog.cpp MyAtlLog.h MyAtlRegistry An ATL class that handles Registry manipulation. Does recursive deletes and probably everything else you need. MyAtlRegistry.cpp MyAtlRegistry.h MyAtlSystemTray Based on an MFC class created by P. J. Naughter, this class simplifies creating ATL programs that live in the system tray area. MyAtlSystemTray.cpp MyAtlSystemTray.h MyCrypto Implements the RSA RC2 block encryption algorithm under the Microsoft Crypto API. This is by definition a 40-bit encryption scheme. The MSCrypto API is notoriously difficult to get working correctly, but I haven't experienced any of the widespread claims of actual bugs. This class is initialized with a password string of BYTES; then you can encrypt or decrypt byte-streams with one function call. MyCrypto.cpp MyCrypto.h


