
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2005-05-05 21:45:45
上 传 者garton
说明:  好好玩的八脚蟹射击游戏源代码。声音图像都十分精美。
(good fun eight feet crab shooter source code. Voices are very attractive image.)

dead1.wav (3502, 1997-08-20)
dead10.wav (2348, 1997-08-20)
dead2.wav (6646, 1997-08-20)
dead3.wav (7004, 1997-08-20)
dead4.wav (1710, 1997-08-20)
dead5.wav (7558, 1997-08-20)
dead6.wav (11826, 1997-08-20)
dead7.wav (3118, 1997-08-20)
dead8.wav (8968, 1997-08-20)
dead9.wav (4186, 1997-08-20)
FRAMES.DAT (2101, 1997-10-11)
frmAbout.frm (2568, 1997-11-06)
FRMABOUT.FRX (798, 1997-11-06)
frmFileS.frm (2525, 1997-11-06)
FRMFILES.FRX (778, 1997-11-06)
frmHighS.frm (4193, 1997-11-06)
FRMHIGHS.FRX (778, 1997-11-06)
frmMVade.frm (21238, 1997-11-06)
FRMMVADE.FRX (778, 1997-11-06)
frmOptio.frm (11630, 1997-11-06)
FRMOPTIO.FRX (778, 1997-11-06)
hitship.wav (23164, 1997-08-24)
JUSTME.MM2 (320, 1997-10-18)
landed.wav (18024, 1997-08-24)
MARKS.MM2 (2115, 1997-10-25)
MAX1.MM2 (509, 1997-10-25)
MVaders.bas (24233, 1997-11-06)
MVaders.bmp (82998, 1997-10-19)
MVaders.vbp (656, 1997-11-06)
MVaders.vbw (323, 2000-04-08)
PREFS.DAT (24, 1997-10-20)
SARA1.MM2 (2242, 1997-10-25)
Scene01.mm2 (1098, 1997-09-21)
scene02.mm2 (1098, 1997-10-11)
SCORES.DAT (430, 1997-11-06)
SECOND.MM2 (225, 1997-10-18)
Splash1.bmp (8192, 1997-10-10)
Splash2.bmp (8566, 1997-10-10)
Splash3.bmp (12424, 1997-10-10)
... ...

°·÷· MVaders by Mark Meany, c1997. Graphics by Ari Feldman. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for taking the time to look at this game. Rather that trying to break into new frontiers I have attempted a classic game for the PC, written in Visual Basic (v3, 16 bit only Im afraid). The objective was to demonstrate what can be done using a 'slow' interpreted programming language and also to promote my web page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/9520/index.html This is no ordinary Invaders game. The Invaders do not stick to the traditional 'block' formation, they can transform, drop power-ups and sometimes take many shots to kill. To make things even better there is a game editor that allows you to design your own waves of Invader and save them as data files -- an infinite variety of Invader formations;) I intend to develop more games of increasing complexity. As the engine develops, so there will be more postings to my page. Come take a look, everything is free so all it will cost you is time. I have made the effort to include complete programs, source modules and programming tutorials all for the VB programmer. If you think along the same lines as me, that not all programming should revolve around a massive database with lots of 'pretty' front ends, then come take a look (be sure to sign the Guestbook and send me feedback). When I have finished with VB I will be porting all code to C, I may even make the effort to dip my toes into C++. There, thats the promotial speal out of the way, now down to business! Playing The Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Move left, move right and shoot everything above you! The controls: Left Cursor Left Right Cursor Right Fire The Space Bar Bored? Customise The Game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I had to make it a little different, didn't I! First, you can change the game options from the 'Game' menu. Selecting this will open a window in which all the following aspects of the game can be adjusted to suit your every whim: Timer Speed This had to be included. The timer control available in Visual Basic leaves a lot to be desired, so this control lets you adjust the overall speed of the game to suit your PC. The larger this value, the slower the game will run. Note that on a really slow PC adjusting this may have no effect. Invader Speed This controls the speed at which the invaders move across the screen. The larger the value, the faster they move! Invader Fire This determines how often the Invaders shoot at you. The Frequency larger the value the less frequently they shoot. Invader Fire This controls how fast an Invaders missile will travel down Speed the screen. The larger the value, the faster the missiles move. Invaders Step This determines how far the Invaders 'drop' when they reach Down the edge of the screen. The larger this value, the nearer they get on each turn. Player Speed Obvious really, the larger the value the faster the player will move. Player Fire Determines how fast the players missiles travel towards Speed the approaching hoards of Invaders. The larger the value the faster the missiles travel. Ok, so what about 'Really' customising the game. Well for that you are going to have to run the MVaders Level Editor. This nifty program will allow you to design your own MVaders game. You can pick what Invaders appear on each level, where they are positioned, how many shots it takes to kill them, if they drop power-ups, if they transform when killed and how many waves (levels) there are to a game. To load a customised game, use the 'Load Game' menu option, found on the 'File' menu. This will allow you to load a new game. Note that all games data files have a 'mm2' extention and must be located in the same directory as MVaders. What more can I say. Try experimenting with the editor, its not the best in the world and was thrown together one Saturday, but it does the job. Using 'VadersEd' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the utility that allows you to create your own Invaders game. The program has only one window and this is divided into four areas. At the top of the window are two control panels, the one on the right is used to navigate through the levels of the game being edited and to add new levels to a game (there is a maximum of 99 levels available). The control panel on the right allows properties of the selected Invader to be set; whether it transforms, how many shots it takes to kill it and whether it drops a power-up on destruction. Below the control panels is the layout area and to the right of this a palette of Invaders. There are around 40 small invaders and 4 large Invaders to choose from. To add an Invader to a level, click on the desired image in the palette (note that the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' buttons below the palette of Invaders can be used to navigate through all available Invaders, only 10 are displayed at any one time). When an Invader is added to a level it appears in the top left corner of the layout area. You can click on any Invader in the layout area and drag it to any position you desire. Also, clicking on an Invader selects it and allows you to change the properties displayed in the Invader control panel. Ok you run the program, add levels to a game and lots of Invaders to each level (max of 30 Invaders per level). Now you can save the game using the 'Save As' menu option from the 'File' menu. Be sure to save games into the same directory as the MVaders executable otherwise MVaders will not be able to see them. Not happy with a game? Load it into the editor using the 'Load' menu option from the 'File' menu and make all the changes you desire before saving it again. CAUTION:: The editor is very basic and will allow you to add levels with no Invaders on. If you try and use such games in MVaders then disaster will strike! Make sure all levels contain at least one Invader. Another 'feature' of MVaders is that transforming Invaders cannot drop power-ups, so there is no point marking an Invader with both of these properties. Feedback ~~~~~~~~ Ok, this game cost you nowt. So why should you bother wasting your time sending me an email? Well I'm fueled by my ego, the more I feed it the more I produce (honesty). Ego is still hungry;) mmeany@GeoCities.Com Really Bored? Get Programming And Write Your Own Game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At my web site you will find all the source to this game, along with tutorials that explain how it was programmed. The sprite engine used in the game is just the first in what I hope will be many VB modules that can be used in a variety of games. At the time of writting this I am already working on a 'tile' based background engine that can be adapted to both shoot-em-ups and platform games. This module will work in harmony with a modified Sprite Engine to allow animated backgrounds et al. This module will also be Freeware and will come with its own set of tutorials. If you want to start writing games, visit my site. Even if it is only the first step in a long journey, you have to start somewhere! A Quick Word About The Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The graphics used in this game were designed by Ari Feldman and come from his 'SpriteLib' package that he has kindly made available as Freeware. For more information about SpriteLib, visit Ari's home page: http://www.walrus.com/~ari/spritelib Enjoy!


