VC 十个评委评分系统

开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-05-18 08:49:23
上 传 者data006
说明:  这个评分系统,用到了C++的 STL库,所以代码很少,只有30行左右就实现了全部功能,很有趣,不妨
(Because of STL libary of C++ used in this grade system,it has little code.The system carries out all the function with just 30 rows code.It s very interesting,you d better have a look.)

VC 十个评委评分系统 (0, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player (0, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Resource.h (1468, 2005-04-21)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.aps (30492, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.rc (13946, 2005-04-21)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\ScoreDlg.h (1399, 2005-04-21)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.clw (3592, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.h (1356, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.cpp (4209, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\StdAfx.h (1054, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\StdAfx.cpp (208, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\MainFrm.h (1581, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\MainFrm.cpp (2507, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\PlayerDoc.h (1475, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\PlayerDoc.cpp (1742, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\PlayerView.cpp (2616, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\res (0, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\res\Player.rc2 (398, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\res\PlayerDoc.ico (1078, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\res\Player.ico (1078, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\res\Toolbar.bmp (1078, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.ncb (99328, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Debug (0, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Debug\Player.exe (143423, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\PlayerView.h (1773, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.plg (1848, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.dsp (4683, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.dsw (535, 2005-04-20)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\ScoreDlg.cpp (4230, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Release (0, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Release\Player.exe (40960, 2005-05-17)
VC 十个评委评分系统\Player\Player.opt (59904, 2005-05-17)


