开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-05-30 08:06:51
上 传 者wuyihao110117
说明:  SPFDISK启动管理工具,卫程序开发人员、图像识别人员提供技术
(SPFDISK is a management tool for starting.programmers and image recognition peoples can get some technology from it.)

COPYING (17982, 1999-09-12)
kernel (0, 1999-09-12)
kernel\bootmgr.cpp (15808, 1999-09-14)
kernel\btmgrdat.cpp (93533, 1999-09-14)
kernel\fat16.cpp (12742, 1999-09-14)
kernel\fat32.cpp (11216, 1999-09-14)
kernel\fatbase.cpp (13582, 1999-09-14)
kernel\filesys.cpp (4897, 1999-09-14)
kernel\harddrv.cpp (17859, 1999-09-14)
kernel\include (0, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\bootmgr.h (3575, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\datatype.h (697, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\fat.h (7195, 1999-09-14)
kernel\include\fat16br.h (3125, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\fat32br1.h (3265, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\fat32br2.h (3104, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\fatmacro.h (1496, 1999-09-14)
kernel\include\filesys.h (2962, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\harddrv.h (5248, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\kernel.h (1401, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\klmsg.h (358, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\klobj.h (463, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\part.h (5485, 1999-09-12)
kernel\include\rootpart.h (2272, 1999-09-12)
kernel\kernel.gdt (10193, 1999-09-14)
kernel\kernel.gpr (19282, 1999-09-14)
kernel\kernel.mak (10053, 1999-09-14)
kernel\klmsg.cpp (6366, 1999-09-14)
kernel\objs (0, 1999-09-12)
kernel\part.cpp (19284, 1999-09-14)
kernel\rootpart.cpp (21448, 1999-09-14)
sfdisk (0, 1999-09-12)
sfdisk\dynatext.cpp (1387, 1999-09-14)
sfdisk\hddialog.cpp (40555, 1999-09-14)
sfdisk\include (0, 1999-09-12)
sfdisk\include\constant.h (672, 1999-09-12)
sfdisk\include\dynatext.h (291, 1999-09-12)
sfdisk\include\hddialog.h (1626, 1999-09-12)
sfdisk\include\linecoll.h (838, 1999-09-12)
... ...

Smart FDISK 2.05r2 32Bit Version Copyright (C) Suzhe (suzhe@263.net) ************************************************************************ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License If you want to modify and redistribute it, please let me to know! ************************************************************************ Compile & Run: In order to compile this program, you must have DJGPP 2.01 or above and Turbo Vision Library (shipped with this program). <-> How to compile this program: 1. decompress sfdisk-2.05r2-32bit.zip to a directory, eg. \work 2. cd \work\tvision make -f libtv.mak 3. cd \work\kernel make -f kernel.mak 4. cd \work\sfdisk make -f sfdisk.mak 5. copy sfdisk.exe ..\release <-> How to compile the help file: 1. cd \work\tvision\help make -f tvhc.mak 2. tvhc \work\sfdisk\sfhelp.txt \work\release\sfdisk.hlp tvhc \work\sfdisk\sfhelpc.txt \work\release\sfdiskc.hlp 3. del *.h <-> How to run Smart FDISK: 1. cd \work\release 2. sfdisk [options] where options should be: /c start chinese interface (need a chinese console) /noext do not use Extended Int13H /? get help That's all done, have fun! For Developers: Because my very limited ability and time, if there are anyone want to develop this program with me, please contact with me immediately, I'm waiting your help! Contact: e-mail: suzhe@263.net Phone : 010-62776073 (inside ***) Addr. : Room 610, Building 21, Tsinghua University, Beijing *** ZIP : 100084


