上传日期:2010-04-11 13:22:10
上 传 者gaopan_1005
说明:  一个基于RTSP,h264,mpeg4的源码播放器
(a source On a rtsp and the player mpeg4 and h264)

rtcp\ (410, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\ (15162, 2005-07-26)
rtcp\RTCP_get_fract_lost.c (1398, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_get_jitter.c (1348, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_get_pkt_lost.c (1345, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_get_RR_received.c (1371, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_get_total_packet.c (1372, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_get_total_payload_octet.c (1388, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_handler.c (2501, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_recv_packet.c (4822, 2005-07-23)
rtcp\RTCP_send_packet.c (4733, 2005-07-23)
rtcp (0, 2008-02-18)
rtp\ (300, 2005-07-23)
rtp\ (14609, 2005-07-26)
rtp\RTP_get_port_pair.c (1592, 2005-07-23)
rtp\RTP_port_pool_init.c (1468, 2005-07-23)
rtp\RTP_release_port_pair.c (1550, 2005-07-23)
rtp\RTP_send_packet.c (4599, 2005-07-23)
rtp\RTP_session_destroy.c (2686, 2005-07-23)
rtp (0, 2008-02-18)
rtsp\add_time_stamp.c (1640, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\bwrite.c (1676, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\get_stat.c (2817, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\ (806, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\ (17345, 2005-07-26)
rtsp\max_connection.c (1379, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\parse_url.c (2951, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_describe.c (4583, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_describe.c.bak (3448, 2008-01-03)
rtsp\RTSP_discard_msg.c (1352, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_full_msg_rcvd.c (4067, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_handler.c (1966, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_initserver.c (1447, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_msg_len.c (4085, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_options.c (2365, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_pause.c (4056, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_play.c (8589, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_remove_msg.c (1529, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_setup.c (11256, 2005-07-23)
rtsp\RTSP_state_machine.c (4465, 2005-07-23)
... ...

----------------------------------------- Sparse notes on A/V Resources management. ----------------------------------------- * Default dir for A/V files is /var/fenice/avroot. * Default RTSP port is 1554. * For every A/V resource you need 1) two separate files for audio (MP3) and video (MPEG-1,2), 2) a Source Description (.sd) file for resource description. Streming clients must be invoked with, e.g: $ mystreamingclient rtsp://streamingserver:1554/ or similar. You can't request plain mpeg or mp3 files, neither for audio-only nor video-only resources. See test files in avroot dir for examples. * You can do live mp3-coded streaming using a named-pipe: 1) Create a named-pipe (e.g., mkfifo live.mp3), 2) create an .sd file with the named-pipe as audio content, then 3) feed named-pipe with live-encoded mp3 data. * Suggested encoding tools: Video: mjpegtools' mpeg2enc Audio: lame


