
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-04-24 23:44:26
上 传 者lxhxks
说明:  使用c++编写了对点对点语音聊天软件,实现两台主机之间得语音通信,首先通过声音采集,然后利用ACM接口压缩音频数据,将数据发送到目标主机,主机接收数据后,解压缩音频数据,并播放,以此实现了点对点得语音通信。利用TCP/IP协议来确认连接状态(TCP/IP协议是可靠的协议,TCP负责发现传输的问题,一有问题就发出信号,要求重新传输,直到所有数据安全正确地传输到目的地,),UDP协议(UDP是一个无连接协议,传输数据之前源端和终端不建立连接,当它想传送时就简单地去抓取来自应用程序的数据,并尽可能快地把它扔到网络上)来实现数据的发送和接收。ACM WAVEX
(Using c++ write software for peer to peer voice chat, to achieve voice communication between two host computers were first collected by the sound, and then use ACM compressed audio data interfaces, data sent to the target host, the host receives data, extract audio data, and play, to assert the point was voice communications. Using TCP/IP protocol to confirm the connection status (TCP/IP protocol is a reliable protocol, TCP is responsible for the problems found in transmission, a signal problem on the demand for re-transmission until all the data security and correctly transferred to the destination), UDP protocol (UDP is a connectionless protocol, transmission of data source and the terminal before the connection is not established, when it simply when you want to transfer to crawl from the application of data and throw it as quickly as possible on the network ) to achieve data transmission and reception.)

说明.docx (43348, 2010-04-24)
NEWpro\NEWpro.dsw (535, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\NEWpro.ncb (66560, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\NEWpro.plg (1930, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\NEWpro.dsp (4717, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\main.h (1613, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\ACM.cpp (8918, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\ACM.h (1419, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\Allh.h (940, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Audio.cpp (4292, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Audio.h (1480, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\main.cpp (14489, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\NEWpro.opt (52736, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\vc60.idb (164864, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\vc60.pdb (86016, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\NEWpro.pdb (525312, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\ACM.sbr (0, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\Debug\Audio.sbr (0, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\main.sbr (0, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\NEWpro.bsc (3466240, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\ACM.obj (23971, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\Debug\BJ.bmp (747706, 2010-03-22)
NEWpro\Debug\NEWpro.ilk (301184, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\NEWpro.exe (188459, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\Audio.obj (19685, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\NEWpro.pch (4746156, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug\main.obj (41531, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro\Debug (0, 2010-03-23)
NEWpro (0, 2010-03-23)


