
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-04-28 09:35:52
上 传 者Zen_Yue
说明:  水波Directx8.1 顶点着色器开发的一个例子

Matrices.ncb (50176, 2007-09-18)
Matrices.opt (48640, 2007-09-18)
Matrices.plg (1264, 2007-09-18)
mesh.vs (1283, 2007-09-18)
mssccprj.scc (320, 2007-06-11)
vssver.scc (112, 2007-06-11)
Debug\Matrices.bsc (2171904, 2007-09-18)
Debug\Matrices.exe (397379, 2007-09-18)
Debug\Matrices.ilk (591080, 2007-09-18)
Debug\Matrices.obj (32439, 2007-09-18)
Debug\Matrices.pch (5141392, 2007-09-18)
Debug\Matrices.pdb (852992, 2007-09-18)
Debug\Matrices.sbr (0, 2007-09-18)
Debug\vc60.idb (164864, 2007-09-18)
Debug\vc60.pdb (118784, 2007-09-18)
gras_02.png (73825, 2005-01-30)
GreenSkin.jpg (38199, 2007-06-01)
Matrices.cpp (12749, 2007-09-18)
Matrices.dsp (3721, 2007-06-17)
Matrices.dsw (745, 2007-06-11)
Matrices.exe (380995, 2007-06-30)
Debug (0, 2007-09-18)

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Matrices Direct3D Tutorial // // Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description =========== The Matrices tutorial shows how to use 4x4 matrices to transform vertices in Direct3D. Path ==== Source: MSSDK\Samples\Multimedia\D3D\Tutorials\Tut03_Matrices Programming Notes ================= To render vertices in 3D, certain mathematical transformations must be performed on the vertices. This includes the world transform (which translates, rotates, and scales the geometry), the view transform (which orients the camera, or view) and the projection transform (which projects the 3D scene into 2D viewport). Transforms are represented mathematically as 4x4 matrices. This tutorial introdcues the use of the D3DX helper library, which contains (amongst other things) functions to build and manipulate our 4x4 tranform matrices.


