
上传日期:2010-05-08 20:08:38
上 传 者basherone
说明:  C#程序与Flash的接口及扩展,适用于在C#程序中使用flash
(C# program with the Flash interface and expanded for use in the C# program flash)

cs_src (0, 2003-10-19)
cs_src\sfApplication.cs (739, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\sfFile.cs (24586, 2003-10-17)
cs_src\sfPrivate.cs (14513, 2003-10-16)
cs_src\sfSystem.cs (1576, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\sfSystemDialogs.cs (1720, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\sfSystemMessageBox.cs (4191, 2003-10-04)
cs_src\sfSystemRegistry.cs (2195, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\sfUI.cs (1700, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\sfWindow.cs (2473, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\SharpFlash.cs (3998, 2003-10-01)
cs_src\SWFHeaderInfo.cs (9610, 2003-10-01)
flash_src (0, 2003-10-19)
flash_src\ (379, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (16375, 2003-10-17)
flash_src\ (1807, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (280, 2003-10-13)
flash_src\ (1316, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (1835, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (1222, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (2287, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (2826, 2003-10-01)
flash_src\ (19096, 2003-10-01)
bin (0, 2003-10-19)
bin\AxInterop.ShockwaveFlashObjects.dll (15360, 2003-09-04)
bin\Interop.ShockwaveFlashObjects.dll (28672, 2003-09-04)
bin\NZipLib.dll (98304, 2002-08-09)
bin\sfApplication.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfFile.dll (24576, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfPrivate.dll (28672, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfSystem.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfSystemDialogs.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfSystemMessageBox.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfSystemRegistry.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfUI.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\sfWindow.dll (16384, 2003-10-19)
bin\SharpFlash.exe (24576, 2003-10-19)
bin\SharpFlash.Sharpflash.resources (4375, 2003-07-03)
bin\SharpFlash.swf (32031, 2003-08-30)
bin\SharpFlashConnection.dll (16384, 2003-07-06)
... ...

SharpFlash pre-alpha Darron Schall ( -------------------------[ October 19, 2003 ]--------------------- Finished up sfFile. The sfFile class now contains the following methods: sfFile.copy(from, to, overwrite, callback, scope); sfFile.deleteFile(path, callback, scope); sfFile.exists(path, callback, scope); sfFile.move(from, to, callback, scope); // this is the rename function as well sfFile.loadObject(file, callback, scope); sfFile.saveObject(file, obj, callback, scope); sfFile.loadText(file, callback, scope); sfFile.saveText(file, text, append, callback, scope); sfFile.getAttributes(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setAttributes(path, attributeMask, callback, scope); sfFile.getCreationTime(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setCreationTime(path, creationTime, callback, scope); sfFile.getCreationTimeUtc(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setCreationTimeUtc(path, creationTime, callback, scope); sfFile.getLastAccessTime(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setLastAccessTime(path, accessTime, callback, scope); sfFile.getLastAccessTimeUtc(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setLastAccessTimeUtc(path, accessTime, callback, scope); sfFile.getLastWriteTime(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setLastWriteTime(path, writeTime, callback, scope); sfFile.getLastWriteTimeUtc(path, callback, scope); sfFile.setLastWriteTimeUtc(path, writeTime, callback, scope); For the file attributes (used in getAttributes/setAttributes), the following constants have been defined: sfFile.Archive sfFile.Compressed sfFile.Device sfFile.Directory sfFile.Encrypted sfFile.Hidden sfFile.Normal sfFile.NotContentIndexed sfFile.Offline sfFile.ReadOnly sfFile.ReparsePoint sfFile.SparseFile sfFile.System sfFile.Temporary See the example posted with this release on how to use the file attributes. Documentation will be coming eventually.... I wanted to release this sooner rather than later as now SharpFlash can start being used for "useful" things since it supports access to the local file system. Not everything has been extensively tested, so please report bugs as you run into them. Thanks! -d -------------------------[ October 4, 2003 ]--------------------- Not a lot has changed since the last release. I've added preliminary "sfFile" support with methods "exist" and "deleteFile" - use these by including the "" actionScript file in your .swf movie, and then building an .exe with SharpFlash of the .swf file. -d -------------------------[ August 30, 2003 ]--------------------- This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the license.txt file included in the archive. The home of this project will live at the following URL: .. but I haven't had a chance to create anything meaningful there yet. Everntually the documentation will live there showing you how to use the available ActionScript API, with a plethora of examples. A few things to note: This software is pre-alpha quality. This means that will be things that don't work. If you run into problems, please visit the project page ( and post what the issue might be. Keep in mind that I've been working on this by myself in my limited free time. I wanted to release this as a pre-alpha to gather some support from other developers. This is a project that could have a tremendous impact on the community, and I'd like to see it become a community effort. ------------------------ There are 2 examples provided to show you how to use the very-limited (as of now) API. As time allows, I will be greatly expanding the API to allow for more powerful Flash applications to be built. I invite other developers to help me in creating the API. Note that if you want to SharpFlash enable a project, you must include the relevant .as files. The first lines of your Flash movie will typically look like this: #include "" // include all of the other files that you make calls to, sfSystem, sfFile, etc... #include "" // used to exit the program After you publish your movie, you'll have to open up SharpFlash and build an executable in order for the API calls to have any effect. Choose a project title (the text that will appear in the titlebar), select the .swf file and some window border options, enter the name of the output file (something.exe), and then click the build button. Building the project may hang in certain situations (if you don't specify a .swf file name or an output file name, for instance), but in general I've gotten pretty consistent positive results when the program is used as intended. Right now the .exe defaults to being the exact size of the .swf file. Also, when you build a file, you'll notice a lot of files appear in the output directory. If you plan on distributing something you build, you'll need to copy the .exe, all of the .dll's, and the .swf file itself in order for the .exe to function properly. This will probably be addressed in future versions. ----------------------- I think that's about it for now. If you want to help, please contact me. Also, please use the project page for bug tracking, feature requests, etc. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoy the work that I've completed so far. -d


