edge detecter(DE256)

开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-10-09 10:57:58
上 传 者liebeupc
说明:  很好用的边缘检测程序:) ED-256 is an edge detection program with support for any bitmap. As of 2.1, the program allows both edge detection and prototype classification on the images.
(good use of edge detection procedures :) ED-256 is an edge detection program with support for any bitmap. As of 2.1, the program allows both prototype edge detection and classification on the images.)

边缘检测 (0, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\Release (0, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\Release\ED256.exe (53248, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\res (0, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\res\ED256.ico (1078, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\res\ED256.rc2 (397, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\res\ED256Doc.ico (1078, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\res\Toolbar.bmp (958, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\res\toolbar1.bmp (358, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\DIBAPI.CPP (14260, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\DIBAPI.H (1663, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256.clw (5838, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256.cpp (4279, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256.dsp (5191, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256.dsw (535, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256.h (1355, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256.rc (16360, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256Doc.cpp (2586, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256Doc.h (1654, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256View.cpp (16728, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\ED256View.h (2959, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\EditToolBar.cpp (1094, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\EditToolBar.h (1157, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\F22.bmp (53070, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\FilterDlg.cpp (2544, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\FilterDlg.h (1437, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\HyperLink.cpp (9093, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\HyperLink.h (2807, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\MainFrm.cpp (4668, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\MainFrm.h (1305, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\MYFILE.CPP (8298, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\resource.h (2217, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\StdAfx.cpp (203, 2004-03-13)
边缘检测\StdAfx.h (987, 2004-03-13)

Program: ED256 Author: James Matthews Date: 19/10/2000 Version: 2.1 =============================== V e r s i o n s =============================== v2.1 (19th October, 2000) - Will only draw the edges adjacent to the real picture if it fits. - Added prototyping detection. See http://www.generation5.org/vision.shtml - Flicker-free drawing. - Wait cursor during long operations, and status bar explanations. v2.0 (17th January, 2000) - Added the filter dialog. - Much better edge detection, using Laplacian Approximation - Edges drawn to the side of the picture. - Edges now saved to bitmap, won't disappear on redraw. v1.0 - First public release. =============================== B u g s a n d Q u i r k s =============================== v2.1 - The Windows GDI is TOO SLOW! I need a better way than GetPixel to get the colour information. If anyone has a quick routine that gives me a RGB value for any colour-depth bitmap...I'd REALLY appreciate it.


