
上传日期:2010-05-14 11:45:47
上 传 者drbrownisback
说明:  multivaraite empirical mode decomposition

__MACOSX (0, 2010-02-03)
Supplement_NEMD_Proc_Roy_Soc_A_2010.pdf (752879, 2010-02-01)
syn_12channel_inp.mat (91688, 2010-01-11)
syn_16channel_inp.mat (122767, 2010-01-11)
syn_hex_inp.mat (43593, 2010-01-07)
taichi_hex_inp.mat (34854, 2010-01-07)

The following files are available in the package: nemd.m: Computes multivariate emd for an input signal. See the comments in the actual nemd.m to find out the usage of this function The following .mat files contain dataset which may serve as an input to nemd.m. Just load any of these files in matlab and send the resulting output vector as an input to the function nemd. 1) syn_12channel_inp.mat: contains synthetically generated 12 channel data set (with combination of 5 tones (sinewaves) and noise added to few channels). 2) syn_16channel_inp.mat: contains synthetically generated 16 channel data set (combined 6 tones (sinewaves) and noise added to some channels) 3) syn_hex_inp.mat: contains synthetically generated 6 channel data set (combined 4 sinewaves and noise added to some channels - see the Multivariate EMD paper and the Supplementary Material for more detaiil) 4) taichi_hex_inp.mat: contains hexavariate real world taichi dataset. (two 3D recordings from intertial bodysensors combined into a single hexavariate signal [left wrist and left ankle])


