
上传日期:2010-05-18 15:07:06
上 传 者endless8103
说明:  malab有限差分应用,应用于有限差分方程计算。
(finite different method.)

Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\compare_err.m (1554, 2002-08-08)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\compare_it.m (1725, 2002-08-08)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\cong.m (404, 2002-08-08)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\gs.m (349, 2002-08-08)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\jacobi.m (379, 2002-08-08)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\sgs.m (378, 2002-08-08)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\ (4253, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (30208, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\equation GUI\ (35434, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\equation GUI\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\FDM Discretization\ (14794, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\FDM Discretization\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29696, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\FEM Analysis of truss\ (3197, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\FEM Analysis of truss\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Numerical simulation of solution of orange droplet in a soup\ (7519, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Numerical simulation of solution of orange droplet in a soup\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Poisson 9-Stencil\code.txt (645, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Poisson 9-Stencil\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Poisson Equation Discretization - Matrix Eigenvalues\code.txt (719, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Poisson Equation Discretization - Matrix Eigenvalues\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Rotation Symmetric Minimum Area\ (28739, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Rotation Symmetric Minimum Area\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29696, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Schroedinger\ (7186, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Schroedinger\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Transport Equation with Finite Differences\ (12763, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Transport Equation with Finite Differences\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (30720, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Vibrating String GUI\ (79331, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Vibrating String GUI\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (30720, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Wave Equation with Newmark scheme\ (23017, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Wave Equation with Newmark scheme\新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc (29184, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Another Comparison of Iterative Solvers (0, 2010-04-28)
Finite difference method\equation GUI (0, 2010-04-28)
Finite difference method\FDM Discretization (0, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\FEM Analysis of truss (0, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Numerical simulation of solution of orange droplet in a soup (0, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Poisson 9-Stencil (0, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Poisson Equation Discretization - Matrix Eigenvalues (0, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Rotation Symmetric Minimum Area (0, 2009-02-21)
Finite difference method\Schroedinger (0, 2009-02-21)
... ...

This is a collection of routines comparing different iterative schemes for approximating the solution of a system of linear equations. The schemes solve the system arising from the standard FD/FE discretization of the Poisson equation with zero right hand side on the unit square. The routine compare_it.m plots the number of iterations needed until the error reaches a specified tolerance versus the number of unknowns. Its usage is compare_it(TOL, Nmax) where TOL is the specified tolerance, and Nmax is the maximum number of unknowns in ONE direction. The routine compare_err.m plots the error decay versus the number of iterations. Its usage is compare_err(TOL, N) where TOL is the specified tolerance, and N is the number of unknowns in ONE direction. The functions jacobi.m, gs.m, sgs.m, cong.m, are implementations of the associated solvers. Their usage is [it, err] = solver(A, f, x0, max_iter, TOL) where A is the system matrix, f is the right hand side, x0 is the start iterate, max_iter is the maximum number of iterations, TOL is the specified tolerance. They return it the number of iterations needed, err a vector of length it containing the error after each iteration step. If the right hand side f is zero, err is simply the norm of the iterate. For non-zero right hand sides, err is the weighted residual norm. WARNING: The implementation was done following one rule: Keep it simple and clear. Therefore the iterative schemes are by no means implemented in an efficient way. To avoid overlong waiting periods the number of unknowns be kept small. Date: 2002-08-05 Author: Bernd Flemisch Email:


