
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-05-19 23:55:34
上 传 者woshishentian
说明:  已调试通过,复杂背景下视频对象的跟踪提取原代码,能够有效地识别运动的人和物体,边缘准确,不受场景的影响
(Has been debugged, complex background extraction of video object tracking source code, can effectively identify the movement of people and objects, edge accuracy, from the scene of)

Object_Tracker\CHANGES (109959, 2005-11-29)
Object_Tracker\COPYRIGHT (1418, 2005-01-29)
Object_Tracker\data\BoundaryPoints.cc (16516, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\BoundaryPoints.h (2225, 2005-01-27)
Object_Tracker\data\HumanFeatures.cc (5693, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\HumanFeatures.h (2326, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\HumanFeatureSet.cc (1395, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\HumanFeatureSet.h (1743, 2004-09-23)
Object_Tracker\data\Linux2\Makefile (1056, 2005-01-27)
Object_Tracker\data\List.h (9971, 2005-01-27)
Object_Tracker\data\Makefile (128, 2002-04-02)
Object_Tracker\data\Observation.cc (1823, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\Observation.h (3855, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\PointVector.cc (1000, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\PointVector.h (1307, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\Profile.cc (26160, 2005-01-28)
Object_Tracker\data\Profile.h (5561, 2005-11-16)
Object_Tracker\data\ProfileSet.cc (3679, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\ProfileSet.h (2230, 2004-09-23)
Object_Tracker\data\Region.cc (9319, 2005-01-27)
Object_Tracker\data\Region.h (3397, 2004-09-23)
Object_Tracker\data\RegionSet.cc (9401, 2005-01-29)
Object_Tracker\data\RegionSet.h (2158, 2004-09-23)
Object_Tracker\data\SplineMatrix.cc (1312, 2005-01-27)
Object_Tracker\data\SplineMatrix.h (545, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\SplineWeights.cc (2567, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\data\SplineWeights.h (1142, 2004-09-23)
Object_Tracker\data\Stack.h (2347, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\generic.mk (8671, 2005-11-29)
Object_Tracker\generic_rules.mk (1102, 2005-01-28)
Object_Tracker\GPL.txt (15145, 2003-04-30)
Object_Tracker\HISTORY (3943, 2003-04-30)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\BufferedSlaveImageSource.cc (19311, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\BufferedSlaveImageSource.h (5667, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\CHANGES.old (5295, 2002-03-11)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\Grey8Image.cc (38802, 2005-01-28)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\Grey8Image.h (5214, 2005-01-28)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\GreyMap.cc (1729, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\GreyMap.h (811, 2004-09-22)
Object_Tracker\imgsrc\HSV32Image.cc (17837, 2004-09-22)
... ...

The Reading People Tracker --- Notes for version 1.28 For copyright information please see the file COPYRIGHT. Documentation and the latest version of this software can be found at http://www.siebel-research.de/people_tracking/reading_people_tracker/ To compile: 1 - make sure you have all necessary libraries: - NAG mark 15 OR BLAS/LAPACK 3.0 or later (see generic.mk) - Xerces-C (available from http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/ ) - Ygl 4.x (available from http://www.thp.uni-duisburg.de/Ygl/ ) - All standard IEEE1394 libraries that ship with most GNU/Linux systems: libavc1394, libdc1394 and libraw1394 as well as their *-devel counterparts. (change the include search path directives in generic.mk if the libraries or include files cannot be found when compiling. After installing libraries by hand (without RPM), do not forget to run ldconfig. Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately if ld complains when you try to run the program) 2 - create a symbolic link named "advisor" in your ${HOME} directory which points to your ${BASE} directory (the one that contains the source/ and bin/ directories). Alternatively, adjust $(ACTUAL_HOME) in generic.mk . 3 - cd into ${BASE}/source/ and "make depend". This should create dependencies files as necessary. Ignore any warnings from makedepend. 4 - cd into ${BASE}/source/ and "make". This should compile all tracking libraries and the ReadingPeopleTracker in the progs/ directory. 5 - cd into progs/ and "make" (or "make " only, being ReadingPeopleTracker or any other target). The targets compiled will be put into ${BASE}/bin/. Sample command line (from the ${BASE}/bin/ directory): "./ReadingPeopleTracker -c config/LUL38-1-testbed2" nts.


