
上传日期:2010-05-21 09:09:45
上 传 者志伟
说明:  RRT路径规划算法,可以生成曲线路径,并跟踪生成的路径
(RRT* path planning algorithm can generate curved path, and follow the path generated)

rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\GoalState (29, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\InitialState (29, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\Inputs (603, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\Model2DRigidCarSmoothTrailer (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\Obst (440, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\prob.idr (11330, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\Robot (29, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\1trailer1\RRTExtExt (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol1\GoalState (13, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol1\InitialState (11, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol1\Model2DPoint (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol1\Obst (1605, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol1\Robot (29, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol1\RRTExtExt (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\GoalState (14, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\InitialState (14, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\Model2DPoint (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\Obst (850, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\prob.idr (11606, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\Robot (29, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\2dhol2\RRTExtExt (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\boor\GoalState (17, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\boor\InitialState (15, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\boor\Model2DRigid (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\boor\Obst (428, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\boor\Robot (86, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\boor\RRTExtExt (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\GoalState (22, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\InitialState (20, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\Inputs (197, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\Inputs.all (435, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\Inputs.forward (197, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\Model2DRigidCarSmooth (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\Obst (850, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\Robot (29, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car1\RRTExtExt (2, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car2\GoalState (19, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car2\InitialState (20, 2000-04-07)
rrt-0.3\rrt-0.3\car2\Inputs (79, 2000-04-07)
... ...

Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Software Release 0.3 9/28/00 Steven M. LaValle Iowa State University 1. BRIEF OVERVIEW This program aids in the demonstration, testing, and development of planning algorithms based on Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRTs). The software is intended primarily for experimental research purposes. It was developed over a short period of time, and does not contain too many features yet. Many improvements should probably be made to help the efficiency, flexibility, installation ease, etc. One day this might actually happen. Until that time, please forgive me for any frustrations that might be experienced with this package. The software relies on two excellent libraries: a) LEDA (http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/LEDA/leda.html) b) ANN (http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/) I am very grateful for the efforts of those who contributed to these libraries. 2. INSTALLATION The Makefile is very simple, and will probably need to be adjusted for your particular system. There is an option for using ANN to improve nearest-neighbor computations, but you would probably want to avoid using this because it requires installation of ANN, and only uses Euclidean metrics on R^n (my code is limited, ANN can handle more than that). There are three main components: model.h, model.C: This specifies the models, which includes things like obstacles, robot geometry, collision detection, nonholonomic constraints, Runge-Kutta integration, equations of motion. The code is object oriented, with a hierarchy of various derived models. rrt.h, rrt.C: A number of different planners appear here, along with associated methods. This code is object oriented, and all planners are derived from a base class (or from other planners). gui.h, gui.C: This is the front end, which performs initialization, calls all of the planners, runs the menus, X display, etc. This file compiles into the rrt executable. nn.h, nn.C: A small interface class, which enables the ANN library to be used for fast nearest neighbors in the RRT code. You probably will not need this. By default, it is currently not compiled into the RRT software. An extra, stand-alone program called convert has been included. You can use this to draw polygons in idraw, and they will be converted to a format that can be easily read by LEDA. There are, of course, better ways to do this (I would only recommend playing with it if you are currently planning on using a pencil and graph paper to encode obstacles). Just run "make" to compile. You will need to have the LEDA header files placed somewhere checked by the compiler (or use the -I option to specify their directory). You will need to have the LEDA libraries placed somewhere checked by the compiler/linker (or use the -L option to specify their directory). For most architectures, you can obtain binaries directly from the LEDA web page. If you are a little unlucky, you might have to get the source and compile it yourself. Be sure that the X11 libraries are also getting linked. If all goes well, you should have an "rrt" executable. You will have to make gifmerge if you want to be able to construct animated GIF files automatically. The source is included in this distribution. Two PERL files, pstogif and pstoimg, are called by the function that builds the animated GIF. Inside each of these, you should verify that paths are correct for other executables such as the Ghostscript library, and pnmtools. It will probably take some work to get this to port to another system. It works fine with RedHat Linux 6.0 and 6.1. 3. USING THE RRT SOFTWARE The RRT software is started by entering "rrt ", in which contains a particular problem instance. By default, a 2D point robot is selected. If there are no files in the directory, defaults will be chosen automatically for many variables such as the initial state, goal state, obstacles, etc. Files may be placed in the directory, to override the defaults. The example directories include files names Obst, Robot, InitialState, and GoalState. If any file is missing, a default is assigned (the default usually depends on the model). Unfortunately, the model type (e.g., 2D car-like robot) cannot be specified from a file. The model can be changed using the "Select Model Type" menu option. If you would like to change the default, replace this line in gui.C: Model2DPoint M("empty"); Some model variables can be re-read using functions under the "Model" menu. The "Run" menu enables several planners to be executed. "Select Planner Type" will select a particular planner. "Explore" will generate an RRT from the initial state, but will pay no attention of the goal state. "Plan" will attempt to find a path from the initial state to the goal state. Some planners available under "Select Planner Type" only change the "Plan" or "Explore" method (not both). In such a case, if "Plan" is the only one changed, then "Explore" defaults to an inherited method (a similar thing occurs if "Explore" is the only one changed). The menu options under "Display" and "File" are self-explanatory. Several variables can be adjusted during execution by using the "Settings" menu. DeltaT and Speed both affect the distance traveled in a single increment of the RRT. NumNodes is the number of RRT nodes that will be generated by a call to "Explore" or "Plan". Each of these functions can be called multiple times, and the RRT(s) will continue to grow, without being cleared. Gdist is a distance-to-goal threshold that considered "close enough" to the goal for the planner to halt and report success. There are several different kinds of RRT algorithms. There are two categories at present: single tree and dual tree. The single tree methods grow a single RRT from the initial state. The dual tree methods grow one tree from the initial state and another from the goal state, in hopes that the two will meet (similar to bidirectional AI search). The single tree classes are RRT, RRTGoalBias, RRTGoalPull, RRTCon, RRTPolar, RRTHull, RRTStar, and RRTGoalZoom. The others are dual tree classes. The classes are: RRT: The base class, which provides a simple RRT Explore and Plan method, which can be applied to any problem. RRTGoalBias: Instead of random sampling of the state space, pick the goal state once in a while (with some small probability). This helps for some problems, but does not work well for many others. RRTGoalPull: In each step, extend the tree both toward the goal and toward the randomly-chosen state. This does not seem to do much. Only Explore is replaced (Plan is inherited from the base class). RRTCon: In each step, try to make the new RRT vertex as close as possible to the randomly-chosen vertex (i.e., the step size has no limit). Only Explore is replaced (Plan is inherited from the base class). There could be a great distance between two RRT nodes, but a straight line segment is drawn in the graphical display, even for nonholonomic systems (although the solution should still be valid). RRTPolar: This is a statistical biasing scheme that concentrates samples around the goal. This works well for some problems. It probably will not work at all for many. RRTHull: This illustrates the behavior of RRTs in large spaces. It is assumed that the world is a disc with am extremely large radius. The RRT grows in a few small directions. The works best for Model2DPoint with no obstacles. RRTStar: An attempt to convert RRTs into a kind of A^* search. Very strange results have been obtained. RRTGoalZoom: This increases the concentration of samples around the goal state. The concentration is controlled by closest RRT vertex to the goal state. Initially, the sampling is mostly uniform; as RRT grows closer, the concentration around the goal state increases. RRTDual: A dual tree planning approach in which both trees are grown toward the same random samples. For this and the other dual tree approaches, there are no Explore methods--only Plan. RRTExtExt: A dual tree approach that balances between growing the trees toward each other and towards randomly-chosen states. This is one of the most efficient and general planning algorithms in this software. This is probably the best initial selection for experimentation. RRTExtCon: Similar to ExtExt, except that an attempt is made to extend one RRT as far as possible to reach the other RRT in each iteration. For nonholonomic problems, the solution output currently does not show intermediate states. There could be a great distance between two RRT nodes, but a straight line segment is drawn in the graphical display (although the solution should still be valid). RRTConCon: Similar to ExtExt, except that an attempt is made in every iteration to grow each tree as far as possible toward the randomly-selected sample or the other tree, as opposed to taking small, incremental steps. There could be a great distance between two RRT nodes, but a straight line segment is drawn in the graphical display (although the solution should still be valid). 4. EXTENDING THE EXAMPLES AND MODELS New examples can be made by simply adding some files to a new directory. Possibilities are Obst, Robot, InitialState, GoalState, UpperState, LowerState, and Inputs. All files are stored in an ASCII format that is parsed automatically using LEDA's overload of << and >>. Obst and Robot are lists of polygons. InitialState, GoalState, UpperState, and LowerState are all vectors that have dimension that same as the state space. Inputs is a list of vectors that serves as an input to the state transition equation (equation of motion). This list corresponds to the discrete actions or inputs that can be applied. Often this corresponds to quantization of continuous control inputs. The quantization level can be effected by adding the appropriate vectors to Inputs. Also, one try many interesting variations for nonholonomic systems by simply changing Inputs. For example, for a car-like robot, one could limit the inputs to those that make the car go forward only, forward and reverse, or even forward and left only. You can specify default planners and models easily by making a file that has the name of the option. For example, if files named RRTExtExt and Model2DRigid are placed in the directory along with the problem data, then it is assumed that the RRTExtExt planner is used for the Model2DRigid model (2D rigid body with rotation). If you have a problem with new nonholonomic constraints or new kinematics, and would like to try applying the RRT software, you will have to derive a new model class. The hierarchy of classes can be observed in model.h. The first step is to find the existing model that is most similar to the model you want to add. The new model should be derived from this to save as much previous effort as possible. For example, Model2DRigidCar is derived from Model2DRigid because both use the same collision detection, integration method, metric, etc. The key things added to the derived model are the constructor and the state transition equation. For example, the constructor for the Model2DRigidCar is: Model2DRigidCar::Model2DRigidCar(string path = ""):Model2DRigid(path) { double alpha; InitialState = vector(45.0,60.0,PI/2.0); GoalState = vector(85.0,5.0,PI); LowerState = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0); UpperState = vector(100.0,100.0,2.0*PI); MaxSteeringAngle = PI/12.0; CarLength = 2.0; // Make the list of Inputs Inputs.clear(); // Otherwise its parent constructor will make some inputs for (alpha = -MaxSteeringAngle; alpha <= MaxSteeringAngle; alpha += 2.0*MaxSteeringAngle/6.0) { Inputs.push_back(vector(1.0,alpha)); Inputs.push_back(vector(-1.0,alpha)); } } This specifies defaults for several variables, and makes the default list of input vectors. If you want a left-turn-only car, then you could simply make an Inputs file with these restricted inputs. This will override the default above. The state transition equation is simply a C++ version of the familiar equation from control theory: xdot = f(x,u) There are two input vectors: the state and the input . The output is dx/dt. For the car, this is simply: vector Model2DRigidCar::StateTransitionEquation(const vector &x, const vector &u) { vector dx(3); dx[0] = Speed*u[0]*cos(x[2]); dx[1] = Speed*u[0]*sin(x[2]); dx[2] = Speed*u[0]*tan(u[1])/CarLength; return dx; } For many new problems, it will be important to make a new Metric method, rather than accept the one that is inherited. Also, the method of integration can be selected by defining an Integrate function. Once a new model has been added to model.h and model.C, the next step is to add the model to the menu. This is done by adding the following line to gui.C (search for the location of other lines of this form in the constructor method, RRTGui::RRTGui(RRT *r)): mm1->button("2DRigidMyNewModel",990,ButtonHandle); Choose an unique integer as the second argument. The next step is to add four lines of code, also to gui.C, to the ButtonHandle function. An example is case 990: cout << "Switch to 2DRigidMyNewModel Model\n"; U.rrt->m = new Model2DRigidMyNewModel(U.rrt->m->FilePath); U.ResetRRT(); break; This should make your new model appear on the menu.


