
上传日期:2010-05-25 10:48:27
上 传 者dandanfen
说明:  Delphi7从入门到精通随书源码随书源码,提高你的Delphi
(Delphi7 with the book from beginning to proficient with the book source code source to improve your Delphi)

01 (0, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo (0, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramDemo.cfg (386, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramDemo.dof (2015, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramDemo.dpr (203, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramDemo.res (876, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramForm.ddp (1606, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramForm.dfm (989, 2003-02-28)
01\DiagramDemo\DiagramForm.pas (615, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1 (0, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Form.dfm (316, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Form.pas (329, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Frame.dfm (684, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Frame.pas (758, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Frames1.cfg (386, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Frames1.dof (2024, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Frames1.dpr (227, 2003-02-28)
01\Frames1\Frames1.res (876, 2003-02-28)
01\OiFontPk (0, 2003-02-28)
01\OiFontPk\MdDropDownFont.pas (145, 2003-02-28)
01\OiFontPk\OiFontPk.cfg (390, 2003-02-28)
01\OiFontPk\OiFontPk.dof (2024, 2003-02-28)
01\OiFontPk\OiFontPk.dpk (561, 2003-02-28)
01\OiFontPk\OiFontPk.res (1536, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest (0, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoForm.dfm (750, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoForm.pas (653, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoTest.cfg (386, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoTest.dof (2024, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoTest.dpr (221, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoTest.res (876, 2003-02-28)
01\ToDoTest\ToDoTest.todo (43, 2003-02-28)
01\want.xml (1433, 2003-02-28)
02 (0, 2003-02-28)
02\AbstractAnimals (0, 2003-02-28)
02\AbstractAnimals\AbstractAnimals.cfg (386, 2003-02-28)
02\AbstractAnimals\AbstractAnimals.dof (2054, 2003-02-28)
02\AbstractAnimals\AbstractAnimals.dpr (238, 2003-02-28)
02\AbstractAnimals\AbstractAnimals.res (876, 2003-02-28)
02\AbstractAnimals\Anim.pas (1164, 2003-02-28)
... ...

Mastering Delphi 7 source code - README.TXT The source code of the book Mastering Delphi 7 is available on the author and publisher web sites. For information about the book see and You can open and compile specific project. For compiling an entire chapter in batch from the command line you can use the want.xml files provided in each chapter's folder. A main want.xml file starts a complete compilation. You need to downalod the want build tool from All the source code is Copyright Marco Cantù 2003 SYBEX and the author hereby grant to you a license to use the Software, subject to the terms that follow. Your purchase, acceptance, or use of the Software will constitute your acceptance of such terms. The source code is provided as-is with no garantuees whatsoever. Its only scope is to help you learn Delphi. The source code is protected by copyright to Marco Cantù. You are hereby granted a single-user license to use compile and test the programs and to include any code portion in programs you are developing. You are not allowed to publish and reproduce the code as it is. Feeel free to direct others to the downalod page. The author is in no way responsible for providing any support for the source code, nor is it liable or responsible for any support provided, or not provided. Feel free to psot corrections and comments directly to the author via his newsgroups or email. The author makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the source code or its contents, quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author, its publisher, its distributors, or dealers be liable to you or any other party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the code or its contents even if advised of the possibility of such damage.


