
上传日期:2010-06-01 15:23:29
上 传 者lanwen121
说明:  用JAVA编写的SLAM程序 实现扩展卡尔曼滤波方法
(SLAM with a JAVA program written in extended Kalman filter implementation)

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AIMA JAVA Notes By Ravi( and Ciaran ( #summary some notes = Introduction = The latest (and ever evolving) code can be found at if you notice a bug please try checking out the latest version from the svn repository to see if it persists. Current release is 0.95:
This is our first release containing GUIs (thanks to Ruediger Lunde):
- aima.gui.applications.VacuumAppDemo
Provides a demo of the different agents described in Chapter 2 and 3 for tackling the Vacuum World.
Provides a demo of the different agents/search algorithms described in Chapters 3 and 4, for tackling route planning tasks within simplified Map environments.
- aima.gui.framework.SimpleAgentAppDemo
Provides a basic example of how to create your own Agent based demonstrations based on the provided framework.

This will also be our last full release based on the 2nd edition of AIMA. We are currently in the planning phases to re-organize this project based on the 3rd edition of AIMA, which should be available soon. Previous release is 0.94:
This is a patch release for the FOL Logic and includes the following fixes:
- Fixed subtle defect in Model Elimination inference algorithm, which caused it to miss portions of the search space.
- Improved the performance of both theorem provers, in particular added support for forward and backward subsumption elimination, which improves significantly the performance and use of the OTTER Like theorem prover.
- Fixed defect in cascade occurs check in unifier logic.
Previous release is 0.93:
It includes:
- a completion of the First Order Logic concepts from Chapter 9.
- the addition of the LRTA Agent from Chapter 4.
Note: If running the unit tests be sure to include the vm arguments: -Xms256m -Xmx1024m as some of the First Order Logic algorithms (i.e. FOLTFMResolution) are memory hungry. Previous release is 0.92:
It includes a rewrite of the neural network algorithms (in the earlier version the nn s were getting saturated because the data was not pre processed) + more algorithms from chapter 4. Heuristics are now doubles (vs ints in the old version). One minor change is that I've dropped the make file. Please use [ ant] ==Bug Reports - acknowledgment == The following people sent in excellent comments and bug reports. Thank you!!!!
* Ali Tozan
* Carl Anderson, Senior Scientist,
* Don Cochrane from (?) University
* Mike Angelotti from Miami University
* Chad Carff ,University of Western Florida . EXCELLENT test cases . thank you.
* Dr .Eman El-Sheikh, Ph.D.,University of Western Florida
* Ravindra Guravannavar, Aztec Software,Bangalore
* Cameron Jenkins,University Of New Orleans
* Nils Knoblauch (Project Manager, Camline) - winner of the No Prize for the best bug report ! Thanks!
* Phil Snowberger, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory,University of Notre Dame
= Details = ==Build Instructions== If you just want to use the classes, all you need to do is put the aima-java/build directory on your CLASSPATH. if you want to rebuild from source, run the unit tests etc follow the instructions below. you need [ ant] to build from source. Many IDE's have built in ant versions. So you may want to try that first. To build from the command line, # download the archive. # unzip # confirm that the aima-java/build directory is on your CLASSPATH # go to the aima-java directory # put [ junit 3.8.1 (note the version number)] on the classpath # type 'ant' I have included the eclipse.classpath and .projectfiles for those who use [ eclipse] . ==Code Navigation== # To understand how a particular feature works , FIRST look at the demo files.There are four main demo files SearchDemo , LogicDemo ,ProbabilityDemo and LearningDemo. # If the Demo Files don't exist yet , look at the unit tests . they often cover much of how a particular feature works . # If all else fails , write to me . Comprehensive documentation, both java doc and otherwise are in the pipeline , but will probably have to wait till I finish the code . ==Notes on Search== To solve a problem with (non CSP )Search . # you need to write four classes . # a class that represents the Problem state .This class is independent of the framework and does NOT need to subclass anything . Let us, for the rest of these instruction, assume you are going to solve the NQueens problem . So in this step you need to write something like . # a subclass of implements only a single function ---boolean isGoalState(Object state); The parameter state is an instance of the class you created in step 1-a above. For the NQueensProblem you would need to write something like # a subclass of .This generates a stream of Successors where a Successor is an object that represents an (action, resultantState) pair. In this release of the code the action is a String (something like "placeQueenAt4,4" and the resultant State is an instance of the class you create in step 1.a . An example is # If you need to do an informed search, you should create a fourth class which subclasses This implements a single function int getHeuristicValue(Object state); keep in mind that the heuristic should DECREASE as the goal state comes nearer . For the NQueens problem, you need to write something like that is all you need to do (unless you plan to write a different search than is available in the code base ). To actually search you need to # configure a problem instance # select a search .Configure thsiwith Tree Search or GraphSearch if applicaple. # instantiate a SerachAgent and # print any actions and metrics A good example (from the NQueens Demo ) is {{{ private static void nQueensWithDepthFirstSearch() { System.out.println("\nNQueensDemo DFS -->"); try { //Step a Problem problem = new Problem(new NQueensBoard(8),new NQueensSuccessorFunction(), new NQueensGoalTest()); //Step b Search search = new DepthFirstSearch(new GraphSearch()); //Step c SearchAgent agent = new SearchAgent(problem, search); //Step d printActions(agent.getActions()); printInstrumentation(agent.getInstrumentation()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }}} ==Search Inheritance Trees == there are two inheritance trees in Search. one deals with "mechanism" of search. This inheritance hierarchy looks like this ||[ NodeExpander] (encapsulates the Node expansionmechanism)||---||---|| ||---|| [ QueueSearch]||---|| ||---||---||[ GraphSearch]|| ||---||---||[ TreeSearch]|| The second tree deals with the search instances you can use to solve a problem.These implement the interface. ||Search||---||---||---|| ||---||BreadthFirstSearch||---||---|| ||---||DepthFirstSearch||---||---|| ||---||HillClimbingSearch||---||---|| ||---||PrioritySearch||---||---|| ||---||---||AStarSearch||---|| etc So if you see a declaration like "SimulatedAnnealingSearch extends NodeExpander implements Search" , do not be confused. the superclass ([ NodeExpander]) provides the mechanism of the search and the interface (Search) makes it suitable for use in solving actual problems . Searches like DepthFirstSearch which need to be used as a search (so implementing the Search interface) and can be configured with either Graphseach or TreeSearch (the mechanism) have a constructor like public DepthFirstSearch(QueueSearch search) . Again, if you get confused, look at the demos. ==Logic Notes== The ONE thing you need to watch out for is that the Parsers are VERY finicky . If you get a lexing or parsing error, there is a high probability there is an error in your logic string. To use First Order Logic, first you need to create a subclass of aima.logic.fol.FOLDomain which collects the constants, predicates, functions etc that you use to solve a particular problem. A parser (that understands the Grammar in figure 8.3 (page 247 in my copy) ) needs to be instantiated with this domain (eg: FOLDomain weaponsDomain = DomainFactory.weaponsDomain(); FOLParser parser = new FOLParser(weaponsDomain); ). the basic design of all the logic code is that the parser creates a Composite (Design Patterns by Gamma, et al) parse tree over which various Visitors(Design Patterns by Gamma, et al) traverse . the key difference between the Visitor elucidated in the GOF book and the code is that in the former the visit() methods have a void visit(ConcreteNode) signature while the visitors used in the logic code have a Object visit(ConcreteNode,Object arg) signature. This makes testing easier and allows some recursive code that is hard with the former . ==Probability Notes== Except elimination-ask, the rest of the algorithms from chapter 13 and 14 have been implemented. I have tried to make the code stick very closely to Dr.Norvig's' pseudocode . Looking at the demo and tests will reveal how to use the code . ==LearningNotes== ===Main Classes and responsibilities=== A is a collection of s .Wherever you see "examples" in plural in the text , the code uses a DataSet . This makes it easy to aggregate operations that work on collections of examples in one place. An Example is a collection of Attributes. Each example is a data point for Supervised Learning . DataSetSpecification and AttributeSpecification do some error checking on the attributes when they are read in from a file or string .At present there are two types of Attributes - A sring attribute, used for datasets like "restaurant" and a NUmeric Attribute which represents attributes which are numbers . These are presently modelled as Doubles. A Numerizer specifies how a particular DataSet's examples may be converted to Lists of DOubles so they can be used in Neural Networks . There is presently one numerizer in the codebase (IrisDataSetNumerizer) but it is trivial to write more by implementing the Numerizer interface. ===how to apply learners=== The DecisionTreeLearner and DecisionList Learner work only on datasets with ordinal attributes (no numbers).Numbers are treated as distinct strings. The Perceptron and DecisionTreeLearners work on *numerized datasets* .If you intend to work with these, you need to write a DataSetSpecific Numerizer by implementing the Numerizer interface. 1.To import a dataset into a system so that learners can be applied to it , first add a public static DataSet getXDataSet(where "x" is the name of the DataSet you want to import) to the DataSetFactory 2.Learners all implement the Learner interface with 3 methods, train, predict and test. If you want to add a new type of Learner (a partitioning Decision Tree learner perhaps? ) you need to implement this interface . contains examples of how to use all the learners . LearnerTests may be of help too. There are specific test files for Decison Trees, Decision Lists and Neural networks. #Probabilistic Decision Making and reinforcement learning TBD ==Final Thoughts== If you need any help with the java code, do write to me at I am happy to receive any mails/bug reports and generally respond within a day, unless I am travelling .The only mails I do NOT respond to are those asking me to do your homework! Don't even try ! :-) These mails are rejected without even reading them! Bug Reports are greatly appreciated! when you send in a bug report please include # what you did to see the bug # what you expected to see # what you actually saw. A bug report that says "there is some bug in Search" (I actually got a mail like this) is next to useless.


