
上传日期:2010-06-02 21:40:06
上 传 者icegarden
说明:  BF533的UART例子程序,示范如何实现BF533的串口通信模块
(BF533 The UART example program demonstrates how to achieve BF533 serial communication module)

UARTExample.mak (6287, 2010-06-02)
ezkitutilities.c (28007, 2007-09-13)
ezkitutilities.h (4251, 2007-09-13)
UARTExample.c (9854, 2007-09-13)
UARTExample.dpj (5855, 2007-09-13)

Project Name: UARTExample Project Type: ADSP-BF533 [X] ADSP-BF537 [ ] ADSP-BF561 [ ] NOTE: This project is configured for Debug, by default. If configured for Release Mode, a silicon anomaly may cause the example to fail with a hardware error condition after the program has been loaded. Bit 5 (IVHW) will be set in the Interrupt Latch (ILAT) register Select "Register->Core->Interrupt Controller" to view ILAT. To avoid this error, go to "Settings->Preferences" and remove the check next to "run to main after load". Reset the processor and rebuild. Hardware Used: Uart System Services Components Used: DMA Manager [X] Deferred Callback Manager [X] Interrupt Manager [X] Timer Module [ ] Power Management Module [X] Flag Module [ ] External Bus Interface Unit Module [X] Port Module [ ] Example Overview: The example called UARTExample demonstrates how to use the UART device driver in talkthrough or echo mode. Characters typed in at the computer are echoed back using the chained dataflow method. Callbacks can be made "live" or deferred by defining the macro USE_DEFERRED_CALLBACKS as shown in the source file. File Structure: "./UARTExample.dpj" - Main project file "./UARTExample.c" - Main source file "./ezkitutilities.c" - EZ-Kit utilities source file for Blackfin processors "./ezkitutilities.h" - EZ-Kit utilities include file for Blackfin processors System Configuration: Jumpers: Remove jumper P5 near the RS-232 port. External connections: Connect a terminal up to UART port on EZKit. Hyperterminal may be used to send and receive characters to and from the EZ-Kit. Set the baud rate to 57600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control. Getting Started: 1) Load Project file "UARTExample.dpj" 2) Build Project by selecting "Project->Rebuild Project". 3) Start Hyperterminal, and in VDSP, select "Debug->Run". 4) Type characters and see that as each character is typed it is echoed back to the terminal. For each character typed, a LED lights up, in a cycling fashion. 5) When finished, select "Debug->Halt" to stop the program.


