复件 UsbTest

开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-10-27 18:14:04
上 传 者derek24124
说明:  这是一个测试MP3的程序,通过USB口来测试此款MP3是否出现了功能故障,或者此MP3是否是出厂状态,实现了从PC上层直接控制下层硬件的范例.
(This is a test MP3 procedure for the adoption of USB MP3 Photo Player to test whether there is a functional fault, or whether this is manufactured MP3 state, from the PC to achieve the direct control of the upper class hardware model.)

复件 UsbTest\Debug\BuildLog.htm (2229, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\RCa00996 (17080, 2005-08-28)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\RCa03456 (17080, 2005-08-28)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\StdAfx.obj (105749, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTest.exe (114773, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTest.ilk (214632, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTest.obj (19026, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTest.pch (5499648, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTest.pdb (287744, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTest.res (4052, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\UsbTestDlg.obj (37717, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\vc60.idb (205824, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\vc60.pdb (364544, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\vc70.idb (322560, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\Debug\vc70.pdb (1028096, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\Debug (0, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\BuildLog.htm (3062, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\Release\StdAfx.obj (786, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\UsbTest.exe (28672, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\UsbTest.obj (15134, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\UsbTest.pch (5701472, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\UsbTest.res (4052, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\UsbTestDlg.obj (26699, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\vc60.idb (50176, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\Release\vc70.idb (347136, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\Release (0, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\res\Thumbs.db (3072, 2005-08-28)
复件 UsbTest\res\UsbTest.ico (1078, 2005-08-27)
复件 UsbTest\res\UsbTest.rc2 (399, 2005-08-27)
复件 UsbTest\res (0, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\resource.h (2113, 2005-08-29)
复件 UsbTest\StdAfx.cpp (209, 2005-08-27)
复件 UsbTest\StdAfx.h (1054, 2005-08-27)
复件 UsbTest\UsbTest.aps (39264, 2005-08-31)
复件 UsbTest\UsbTest.clw (2659, 2005-09-03)
复件 UsbTest\UsbTest.cpp (4373, 2005-08-28)
复件 UsbTest\UsbTest.dsp (4177, 2005-08-27)
复件 UsbTest\UsbTest.dsw (537, 2005-08-27)
复件 UsbTest\UsbTest.exe (90112, 2005-08-29)
... ...


