
上传日期:2010-06-13 17:45:41
上 传 者yiliyateaodesai
说明:  STM8是ST推出的新一带8bit MCU,采用三级流水线,最大运行频率20MIPS@24MHz,此处给出了关于此MCU的一些库函数
(STM8 is a new kind of MCU,and some library functions are given here.)

project\main.c (7449, 2008-09-25)
project\RIDE\asm_functions.asm (139, 2008-09-25)
project\RIDE\project.rapp (4654, 2008-09-25)
project\RIDE\project.rprj (278, 2008-09-25)
project\RIDE\stm8s_it.c (3272, 2008-09-25)
project\stm8s_conf.h (5728, 2008-09-25)
project\stm8s_it.c (14097, 2008-09-25)
project\stm8s_it.h (3667, 2008-09-25)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\ (15975, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\main.o (4900, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\project.lkf (1407, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\project.s19 (6022, 2009-03-06)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\project.sm8 (36452, 2009-03-06)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\ (10078, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\stm8s_gpio.o (6689, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\ (36800, 2009-03-06)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\stm8s_i2c.o (16855, 2009-03-06)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\ (10102, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\stm8s_it.o (11203, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\ (3305, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Debug\stm8_interrupt_vector.o (1855, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\project.dep (1493, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\project.stp (13515, 2009-02-27)
project\STVD\Cosmic\project.stw (203, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\project.wdb (18821, 2009-03-06)
project\STVD\Cosmic\ (17943, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\Release\project.lkf (1419, 2009-03-24)
project\STVD\Cosmic\stm8_interrupt_vector.c (3401, 2008-09-25)
project\STVD\Raisonance\asm_functions.asm (139, 2008-09-25)
project\STVD\Raisonance\project.stp (21308, 2008-09-25)
project\STVD\Raisonance\project.stw (203, 2008-09-25)
project\STVD\Raisonance\stm8s_it.c (3283, 2008-09-25)
gpio\cosmic\Debug\gpio.elf (7718, 2009-03-26)
gpio\cosmic\Debug\gpio.lkf (1408, 2009-03-26)
gpio\cosmic\Debug\ (12117, 2009-03-26)
gpio\cosmic\Debug\gpio.s19 (1184, 2009-03-26)
gpio\cosmic\Debug\gpio.sm8 (18243, 2009-03-26)
gpio\cosmic\Debug\ (3848, 2009-03-26)
... ...

/** @page GPIO_IOToggle_PollingMode LEDs toggling, Button reading in polling mode @par Example description This example runs on STM8S-128K and STM8S-32K products. This example provides a short description of how to use the GPIO peripheral: - Initialization of the GPIO in output and input modes - LEDs toggling - Button state reading in polling mode @par Directory contents - main.c Main file containing the "main" function - stm8s_conf.h Library Configuration file - stm8s_it.c Interrupt routines source (not used in this example) - stm8s_it.h Interrupt routines declaration - stm8_interrupt_vector.c Interrupt vectors table @par Hardware environment 2 solutions: - Connect the emulator to the evaluation board or - Connect the following I/Os: - PH3 -> LED1 -> resistor -> ground - PH2 -> LED2 -> resistor -> ground - PH1 -> LED3 -> resistor -> ground - PH0 -> LED4 -> resistor -> ground - PC0 -> Key Button -> ground + pull-up on 5V @par How to use it ? In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Create a project and setup all project configuration - Compile the directory content files and required Library files : + stm8s_gpio.c - Rebuild all files: Project->Rebuild all. - Load project image: Debug->Start/Stop Debug Session - Run program: Debug->Run (F5) - The LD1 and LD4 blink continuously - If you press the button only LD2 and LD3 blink - Release the button, the LD1 and LD4 blink again Go to main file: GPIO_IOToggle_PollingMode\main.c */ /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/


