
上传日期:2010-06-16 20:37:12
上 传 者arfaran
说明:   Rockey Editor can be used to edit and test Rockey, it is the best tool to learn Rockey

Editor (0, 2008-08-29)
Editor\RockEdit.exe (577607, 2007-05-18)

Rockey Editor 1. Brief Introduction Rockey Editor can be used to edit and test Rockey, it is the best tool to learn our Rockey. The current version of Rockey Editor is 2.10, and the interface is separated into 4 parts, they are Rockey status bar, Rockey tree structure, operation status record and operation main window. Please find the following of their details information: (1).Rockey status bar Rockey status bar indicates the working status of Rockey, including read, write and be ready status. (2).Rockey tree structure Rockey tree structure indicates the current operation system's version and shows all the parallel and USB keys which are being connected with the computer. You can continue your operation here by selecting Rockey. There are 2 renovation methods including hand-acting renovation and automatic renovation. The renovation button in the Toolbar of the menu can be used for hand-acting renovation. But if the Rockey is pulled out when operation the Rockey, it will be renovate automatically. (3).Operation status record Operation status bar records all the results, time and errors of your Rockey operations, so that you can confirm the status of your last operation. (4). Operation main window Operation main window including all the operation to Rockey. Such as inputting passwords, editing and testing the selected Rockey, self-checking and batch writing of all Rockeys. You should edit a templet firstly before your batch dealing, and keep this templet in files. The tool supports drag and drop, files associated, Editor will run automatically if you click on the templet of the browser. There also have another printing/preview function, you can print the content of the templet. Here we adopt non-delay technology for the interface, that's mean you can operate the interface also when you are operating the Rockey, such as editing, printing etc. All the operations have schedule bars to show its operation process, and you can stop them at any time you want. 2. Number input/ show scale Except those built seed (in the tests) is decimal system, all the others are hex input and show. 3. Operation Manual (1).Input Password You need input the base password and advanced password of your Rockey here firstly. Rockey Edit Tools support non-password operation,too. You can only edit the templet file, include save/load/print file, if you don't input any password before press OK button. You can also input the base password only, and you will not do write operation then. You should assure the correctness of password when inputting. No Rockey will be found and operated when you input the wrong base password. If you input the correct base password and the wrong advanced password, something wrong will occur when you do write operation to Rockey, but you can rightly find and read rockey. Press Demo button if you insert Demo Rockey to your computer system, then you can do any operation to it. The Edit window will appear when you press Ok or Demo button, and the tools begin to find the corresponding Rockeys you insert to computer. (2).Edit You can edit the selected Rockey here. Edit Window is composed of User Memory Area, Module Area, Arithmetic Area and Customer ID Area. You can read/write 24 bytes data from/to Rockey in User Memory Area. Data have two format here, ASCII and HEX. ASCII edit box and HEX edit box are associated with each other. If you input something to ASCII edit box, the corresponding change will appear in Hex edit box, and vice versa. A progress bar will appear to indicate the operation progress after you press Read/Write button, and the operation result will be displayed in Operation Status window. You can set the module value and decrease sign of a single module in Module Area. Arithmetic Area is used to write arithmetic segments/instructions to Rockey. Each segment comprises one or more instructions. There is a button in the right of each instruction. Four signs,"S","E",NULL,"SE" will appear circularly in the button when you click it. "S" means "Start", indicate that the instruction in left is the start point of an arithmetic segment. "E" means "End", indicate the end point of a segment. NULL means the middle instruction. "SE" means "Start and End point", viz. a segment comprises a single instruction. If you select "auto S/E", Edit tools will add 4 signs above automatically according to the NULL instruction. In Customer ID Area, you can read/write Customer ID data. (3)Test Test the selected Rockey, including read tests for Customer's EMS memory and Customer's ID, degression/availability tests of the module, and seed code built tests. The seed data can be built in batch and keep them in text files. Please input all kinds of parameters when calculation, the address indicated at the original sentence (S) and the independent sentence (SE). You can also make degression tests for a single module, and the availability is to be showed there. (4).Self checking Self checking all Rockeys, and keep the hardware ID to hardid.txt. (5).Batch dealing Batch dealing including templet editing and Rockey operation. Templet editing is the same as the editing to a single Rockey, see also the description part of (2). You can save your finished templet, or print or preview. You can also operate the single Rockey here, such as read and write. Customer's ID can be changed automatically during batch dealing, including increase and decrease by degrees, according to time and no any changes etc. (6).Log file configuration The hard ID and user ID of rockeys processed in Self-testing and Batch Writting can be recorded in log file. you can configurate log file opitions,include making enable/disable log function, changing file name, in File menu,Log file Configuration. 4.Something should be improved Here we admit this version is not the perfect one, we will improve it and make it better and better in the future. Here we find the followings are which we should improve: 1.have fixed. 2.have fixed. welcome to contact with us when you find something should be improved.


