开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-06-24 09:00:42
上 传 者lanwen121
说明:  用C++编写的单目视觉SLAM 图形化界面 VC++6.0环境
(monoslam vc++ environment)

glow_104\Compat-SGI\cassert (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cctype (154, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cfloat (154, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\climits (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\clocale (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cmath (153, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\csetjmp (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\csignal (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cstdarg (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cstddef (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cstdio (154, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cstdlib (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cstring (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\ctime (173, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cwchar (154, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\Compat-SGI\cwctype (155, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glow.cpp (53995, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glow.h (26658, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glow.inl.h (14928, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowAux.cpp (6476, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowAux.h (5797, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowAux.inl.h (5567, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowCheckBoxWidget.cpp (10121, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowCheckBoxWidget.h (8219, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowCheckBoxWidget.inl.h (5840, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowDebug.cpp (8635, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowDebug.h (3672, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowHeader.h (3977, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowLabelWidget.cpp (10901, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowLabelWidget.h (8646, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowLabelWidget.inl.h (6360, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowMenuButtonWidget.cpp (20480, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowMenuButtonWidget.h (14526, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowMenuButtonWidget.inl.h (15512, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowMessageWindow.cpp (7291, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowMessageWindow.h (5039, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowMessageWindow.inl.h (2734, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowPanelWidget.cpp (5449, 2000-10-15)
glow_104\glow_src\glowPanelWidget.h (4694, 2000-10-15)
... ...

The GLOW Toolkit version 1.0.4 (14 October 2000) Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Daniel Azuma ============================================================================== CONTENTS (1) Introduction (2) Terms and conditions (3) Release notes (4) Installing GLOW (5) For more information ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION The GLOW Toolkit is a cross-platform object-oriented framework for building interactive applications using OpenGL(tm) or similar APIs. It provides an object-oriented API for creating windows, menus and other user interface elements, and an inheritance-based event handling model. GLOW also includes a full-featured and extensible library of cross-platform widgets for building powerful graphical user interfaces. And, of course, full integration with OpenGL as the imaging API. The GLOW Toolkit is a free software library, distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. This means you have access to the source code, and may modify it and write your own programs derived from it, subject to certain restrictions. ============================================================================== TERMS AND CONDITIONS This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. By modifying or distributing this library or any work based on this library, you indicate your acceptance of all the terms and conditions described in the GNU Lesser General Public License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, you can obtain a copy by writing to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ============================================================================== RELEASE NOTES The GLOW Toolkit Version 1.0.4 (14 October 2000) These notes detail the differences between versions 1.0.3 and 1.0.4. A complete history of publicly released versions can be found on the GLOW web site. Features added -------------- (none) Features changed ---------------- (none) Bugs fixed ---------- GlowTextFieldWidget's AutoPack became very broken in 1.0.3. Fixed. Internal changes ---------------- (none) Known issues ------------ I don't think it's currently possible to compile a Win32 DLL of GLOW under MSVC++ 6.0 because of the heavy use of templates and STL. If you succeed in building a DLL for GLOW, I'd appreciate finding out how you did it. Under certain conditions, GLUT versions prior to 3.7.3 can lose track of some of its windows. This is most commonly manifested as windows or subwindows that unexpectedly stop redrawing. This is caused by a known bug in GLUT. If you are running under Win32, you should upgrade to GLUT 3.7.3, available on Nate Robins's GLUT for Windows page: If you are using a different platform, GLOW provides an optional partial workaround that can be activated by defining the symbol GLOW_OPTION_GLUTREDISPLAYFIX. Because of the continuing incomplete state of GLUT in the Mac OS OpenGL SDK, some features of GLOW are still unusable on the Mac. I do have it on good authority that it is being worked on, so I'm hopeful that this will be resolved soon. Because of GLOW's heavy ANSI dependence, there are some issues with various compilers, especially older ones. If you've worked on getting GLOW to build on a compiler that isn't on my supported compilers list, please let me know of any changes you needed to make, so I can get them merged into the main code base. ============================================================================== INSTALLING GLOW The files comprising GLOW are located in the directory "glow_src". You should install this directory in a reasonable place such as in /usr/src. I prefer to keep it with the rest of my source code in a data directory. If you are running SGI IRIX and using the SGI MISPPro compiler version 7.3, you should also install the directory "Compat-SGI". This directory contains header files using the new style C++ header names, which GLOW needs in order to compile properly. (Alternately, you may install the headers directly into your /usr/include/CC directory, but do not overwrite any headers already there.) To get started using GLOW, I strongly recommend going through at least the first lesson (lesson 0) of the tutorial. This should give you a reasonable idea of how to use GLOW as a source code library. If you want to build a unix shared library for GLOW, I've provided a sample makefile in the glow_src directory. It should work under Linux or IRIX, and will build two shared libraries: and The former is compiled with debugging turned off (i.e. GLOW_OPTION_DEBUG is not defined) and the latter is compiled with debugging on (i.e. GLOW_OPTION_DEBUG is defined.) You should move them into the appropriate directory such as /usr/lib, and you should create appropriate soft links (e.g. -> and -> You should link with one of those libraries, the one that matches the debug option used to compile your program. The Makefile used in the tutorials supports using GLOW either as a library or as source code. The default is source code; however, to change to using GLOW as a precompiled library, add file-option "GLOWLIB" (e.g. create the file ".glowmake.GLOWLIB".) See lesson 0 for details. I don't think it's currently possible to make a Windows DLL of GLOW because of issues with MSVC++'s template support. ============================================================================== FOR MORE INFORMATION For up-to-date information, please visit the GLOW home page, located at Mailing lists, bug reporting, CVS repository and other features are also located on the web. The author can be reached via email at ============================================================================== OpenGL(tm) is a trademark of SGI. Other names referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners.


