开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-06-24 20:29:20
上 传 者amecorc4h
说明:   图形文字识别(OCR)是常用的东西。许多程序员都想在自己的程序中嵌入OCR的识别模块。但是,用别人的—要价太高;自己做—难度太大。 其实微软早在Office2003中推出了一个OCR模块,对中文有很好的支持(不亚于国内的一个品牌产品)。可能有许多人都注意到这个好东西了,但是MS_OCR在VC++上的接口和用法一直没见披露。 笔者在这里发布一个用MS_OCR做的示范程序,大家试试,识别能力还不错,并且支持多种图形格式(bmp,jpg,tif)。
(Graphic character recognition (OCR) is a common thing. Many programmers want to embed in your program OCR recognition module. However, with the others- asking price is too high myself- too difficult. In fact, back in Office2003 Microsoft has introduced a OCR module, the Chinese have very good support (as much as a domestic brand products). Many people may have noticed the good stuff, but MS_OCR in VC++ on the interface and usage have not seen the disclosure. I publish here a demonstration program with MS_OCR do, we try to identify capacity-not bad, and supports a variety of graphics formats (bmp, jpg, tif).)

VB_OCR\basGetDirectory.bas (1716, 2006-07-18)
VB_OCR\basOCR.bas (1077, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\Form1.frm (2633, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\Form1.frx (3786, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\MODI.lnk (1032, 2007-07-16)
VB_OCR\MODI2003_编程手册\End-User License Agreement for Microsoft Software.htm (39951, 2003-12-09)
VB_OCR\MODI2003_编程手册\MSPAUTO.chm (361402, 2003-12-08)
VB_OCR\MODI2003_编程手册 (0, 2007-07-16)
VB_OCR\OCR控件\MDIVWCTL.DLL (443904, 2003-06-18)
VB_OCR\OCR控件\MDIVWCTL.oca (43520, 2008-07-15)
VB_OCR\OCR控件\regsvr32.bat (15, 2008-04-28)
VB_OCR\OCR控件 (0, 2008-07-15)
VB_OCR\temp.jpg (38994, 2008-07-15)
VB_OCR\temp1.jpg (10452, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\temp2.jpg (178581, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\VB_OCR.exe (32768, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\VB_OCR.vbp (956, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR\VB_OCR.vbw (119, 2007-07-17)
VB_OCR (0, 2007-07-17)


