
上传日期:2010-07-24 07:47:31
上 传 者nb90
说明:  组件简介 =============================================== 一个类似于OutLook Bar的组件。可以象PageControl那样加入多个 独立的页面(TPLSheet),支持自画风格按钮。允许运行时新增、删 除、修改页面。支持动画式切换页面。 使用方法详见Demo。
(Component Description =============================================== a similar OutLook Bar component. Can join as many as PageControl a separate page (TPLSheet), support from the painting style button. Allow run-time add, delete, modify pages. Support animated switching pages. Use see Demo.)

PageList\PageList.pas (30346, 2006-09-21)
PageList\PageList.dcr (472, 2001-08-02)
PageList\PageListEditFrm.pas (3552, 2000-11-29)
PageList\PageListEditFrm.dfm (1873, 2000-11-29)
PageList\PageListReg.pas (2431, 2006-09-21)
PageList\Demo (0, 2005-02-26)
PageList\Demo\DemoFrm.dfm (5538, 2000-12-08)
PageList\Demo\Demo.res (876, 2000-11-30)
PageList\Demo\Demo.dpr (248, 2000-11-30)
PageList\Demo\Demo.exe (182784, 2000-12-08)
PageList\Demo\DemoFrm.pas (4613, 2000-12-05)
PageList\ (18556, 2006-03-06)
PageList (0, 2005-02-26)

=============================================== PageList Component Release Notes =============================================== 更新历史 =============================================== -- V2.7 2003.9.12 1. Added WM_ERASEBKGND message hander to TPLButton. -- V2.6 2003.1.13 1. Support Delphi7. 2. Modified some default values of properties. -- V2.5 2001.9.7 1. Support Delphi6. -- V2.4 2001.8.14 1. Avoid the refresh when button move. -- V2.3 2001.4.11 1. OnChanging, OnChange bug fixed. -- V2.2 2001.3.12 1. Add ButtonColor property. 2. Marked as not supporting form inheritence and frames. 3. Add OnButtonClick, OnButtonDblClick, OnButtonMouseDown, OnButtonMouseMove, OnButtonMouseUp Events. 4. ParentColor property bug fixed. 5. Sheet SetFocus bug fixed. -- V2.1 2000.12.5 1. Add VisiblePageCount property. 2. Add AnimateSpeed property. 3. Add SetPageVisible method. 4. bug fixed. -- V2.0 2000.11.30 1. Add AllowDrag, PageCount, ButtonStyle property. 2. Add NewPageIndex parameter in OnChanging event. 3. Resize bug fixed. 4. TabStop bug fixed. 5. Pages.Clear, Pages.Insert bug fixed. 6. BorderStyle bug fixed. 7. Paint funciton bug fixed. 8. Some internal optimizations. -- V1.0 2000.11.29 The first version. 安装方法 =============================================== 打开Delphi或C++Builder,点选菜单Component | Install Component, 加入PageListReg.pas 编译即可。 文件说明 =============================================== PageList.pas 组件主程序 PageListReg.pas 注册文件 Readme.txt 说明文件 Demo\*.* 演示组件的用法 组件简介 =============================================== 一个类似于OutLook Bar的组件。可以象PageControl那样加入多个 独立的页面(TPLSheet),支持自画风格按钮。允许运行时新增、删 除、修改页面。支持动画式切换页面。 使用方法详见Demo。 作者的话 =============================================== 这是一个免费组件,附带全部源码。如果您觉得好用,请给作者发 个Email :) 联系方法 =============================================== DayDream Studio Email: URL:


