
所属分类:Windows CE
上传日期:2010-08-02 12:36:30
上 传 者paulhopkins
说明:  This is a V3.7 rdp protocol vnc server for CE/WM with the ability to be driven from .net apps with windows messages

Compact VNC Server\CompactVncServer.sln (5582, 2010-07-31)
Compact VNC Server\CompactVncServer.suo (153600, 2010-08-01)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer (0, 2010-08-01)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\CmdLineParser.cpp (4462, 2008-07-25)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\CmdLineParser.h (3115, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\d3des.c (16069, 2010-07-24)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\d3des.h (1835, 2010-07-24)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\interproces.h (386, 2009-07-09)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\KEYSYMDEF.H (4005, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\Mouse.cpp (2310, 2009-07-11)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\Mouse.h (1434, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\newres.h (1337, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\palmtrayapp.ico (3638, 2010-07-30)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\palmtrayappx.ico (1406, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\resource.h (1032, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\rfb.h (2533, 2009-01-19)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\rfbproto.h (24572, 2010-07-27)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\ScrUpdate.cpp (11074, 2010-07-30)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\ScrUpdate.h (1915, 2008-03-28)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\stdafx.cpp (707, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\stdafx.h (1312, 2010-07-24)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\stdhdrs.h (1964, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\SvrMain.cpp (11087, 2010-08-01)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\SvrMain.h (1143, 2010-08-01)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\tableinitcmtemplate.cpp (2610, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\tableinittctemplate.cpp (3797, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\tabletranstemplate.cpp (2832, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\time_ce.cpp (26240, 2010-07-24)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\time_CE.h (3534, 2010-07-24)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\translate.cpp (3910, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\translate.h (2977, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\trayapp.aps (580460, 2010-07-25)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\trayapp.ico (1406, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\trayapp.rc (3847, 2010-07-25)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\TrayDialog.cpp (5488, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\TrayDialog.h (2008, 2007-11-06)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\vncauth.c (3448, 2010-08-01)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\vncauth.h (1635, 2010-07-25)
Compact VNC Server\VncServer\VNCKEYMAP.CPP (8064, 2007-11-06)
... ...

Code Sample Name: TrayApp Feature Area: Shell Description: TrayApp shows how to put an icon on the tray on the today page. It also shows how to do a popup dialog from that icon. Relevant APIs: Shell_NotifyIcon Usage: Load the project from Visual Studio 2005, and build and deploy normally. Assumptions: None. Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, ActiveSync 4.0. ** For more information about this code sample, please see the Windows Mobile SDK help system. **


