上传日期:2010-08-06 15:54:37
上 传 者Hmilyanjohn
说明:  非常强大的稀疏性分析的工具包,提供了多种稀疏性分析的工具,是研究的有效助手!
(Very powerful tool for analysis of sparse package, to provide a variety of sparse analysis tool is an effective research assistant!)

SLEP\@partialDCT\ctranspose.m (72, 2008-08-07)
SLEP\@partialDCT\mtimes.m (175, 2008-08-07)
SLEP\@partialDCT\partialDCT.m (178, 2008-08-07)
SLEP\CFiles\flsa\flsa.c (4316, 2009-10-30)
SLEP\CFiles\flsa\flsa.h (9187, 2010-02-21)
SLEP\CFiles\flsa\flsa.mexw32 (28672, 2009-11-14)
SLEP\CFiles\flsa\flsa.mexw64 (30720, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\flsa\sfa.h (41201, 2010-02-21)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep1R.c (1254, 2009-09-05)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep1R.mexw32 (20480, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep1R.mexw64 (7680, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep21d.c (2123, 2009-09-02)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep21d.mexw32 (20480, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep21d.mexw64 (12288, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep21R.c (1721, 2009-09-06)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep21R.mexw32 (20480, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\ep21R.mexw64 (8192, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\epcgLasso.c (4057, 2010-01-15)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\epcgLasso.mexw32 (20480, 2010-01-15)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eplb.c (1520, 2009-08-11)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eplb.mexw32 (20480, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eplb.mexw64 (11776, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\epph.h (18866, 2009-08-13)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppMatrix.c (2199, 2009-08-11)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppMatrix.mexw32 (24576, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppMatrix.mexw64 (17408, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppVector.c (1915, 2009-08-11)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppVector.mexw32 (24576, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppVector.mexw64 (16896, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppVectorR.c (1773, 2009-09-06)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppVectorR.mexw32 (20480, 2009-09-10)
SLEP\CFiles\q1\eppVectorR.mexw64 (8192, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\SpInvCoVa\invCov.c (5488, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\CFiles\SpInvCoVa\invCov.mexw32 (7680, 2008-09-18)
SLEP\CFiles\SpInvCoVa\invCov.mexw64 (12288, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\fusedLasso\fusedLeastR.m (16449, 2010-02-21)
SLEP\invCov\sparseInverseCovariance.m (2379, 2010-02-21)
SLEP\L1\L1C\LeastC.m (14466, 2010-02-20)
SLEP\L1\L1C\LogisticC.m (16100, 2010-02-18)
... ...

This folder contains the following C files: epph.h is the head file that contains the most important subroutines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ep1R is for solving the problem min 1/2 ( \|x- u\|^2 + \|t-v\|^2 ) s.t. |x_j| <= t_j x, u, t, and v are of size nx1 x_j and t_j denotes the j-th element of x and t, respectively ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ep21R is for solving the problem min 1/2 ( \|x- u\|^2 + \|t-v\|^2 ) s.t. \|x_j\|_2 <= t_j x and u are of size n x k t and v are of size nx1 x_j denotes the j-th row of x t_j denotes the j-th element of t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ep21d is for solving the problem min 1/2 \|x- v\|^2 s.t. \sum_j \|x_j\|_2 <= z x and v are of size n x k x_j denotes the j-th row of x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eplb is for solving the problem min 1/2 \|x- v\|^2 s.t. \|x\|_1 <= z x and v are of size n x 1 \|x\|_1 denotes 1-norm of x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eppMatrix is for solving the problem min 1/2 ||x- v||_2^2 + rho * \sum_j ||x_j||_p x and v are of size n x k x_j denotes the j-th row of x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eppVector is for solving the problem min 1/2 ||x- v||_2^2 + rho * \sum_j gWeight_j * ||x_j||_p x and v are of size n x 1 gWeight is of size k x 1 x_j denotes the j-th group of x (the entries are adjacent) gWeight_j is the weight for the j-th group ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eppVectorR is for solving the problem min 1/2 ( ||x- u||_2^2 + ||t-v||_2^2 ) s.t. ||x_j||_2 <= t_j x and u are of size n x 1 t and v are of size k x 1 x_j denotes the j-th group of x (the entries are adjacent) ------------------------------------------------------------------------


