
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-08-18 19:14:30
上 传 者lnjasss
说明:  一个可代替windows notepad的文本编辑器源码,有简单的代码高亮和显示行号等功能,程序小巧启动速度也很快,如果用他代替系统的notepad,会使简单的文档编辑变的很cool
(One can replace windows notepad in a text editor source, a simple the code highlighting and display line number, etc. Gongneng, Cheng Xu small 启动 also very fast, if he instead of Ji Tong Yong' s notepad, make a simple document-creation Bian' s 很 cool)

License.txt (1518, 2009-10-06)
Notepad2.txt (34779, 2009-10-06)
Notepad2.ini (22620, 2009-10-06)
Notepad2.sln (916, 2009-10-06)
Notepad2.vcproj (10953, 2009-10-06)
src\Dialogs.c (60845, 2009-10-06)
src\Dialogs.h (1552, 2009-10-06)
src\Dlapi.c (45224, 2009-10-06)
src\Dlapi.h (5244, 2009-10-06)
src\Edit.c (195293, 2009-10-06)
src\Edit.h (5594, 2009-10-06)
src\Helpers.c (55054, 2009-10-06)
src\Helpers.h (6573, 2009-10-06)
src\Notepad2.c (208066, 2009-10-06)
src\Notepad2.h (4437, 2009-10-06)
src\Notepad2.rc (82636, 2009-10-06)
src\Print.cpp (18915, 2009-10-06)
src\resource.h (17812, 2009-10-06)
src\SciWrap.cpp (1098, 2009-10-06)
src\SciWrap.h (778, 2009-10-06)
src\Styles.c (151748, 2009-10-06)
src\Styles.h (2848, 2009-10-06)
res\Copy.cur (326, 2009-10-06)
res\Encoding.bmp (2102, 2009-10-06)
res\Next.bmp (154, 2009-10-06)
res\Notepad2.exe.manifest (891, 2009-10-06)
res\Notepad2.ico (25214, 2009-10-06)
res\Open.bmp (154, 2009-10-06)
res\Pick.bmp (198, 2009-10-06)
res\Prev.bmp (154, 2009-10-06)
res\Run.ico (766, 2009-10-06)
res\Styles.ico (766, 2009-10-06)
res\Toolbar.bmp (23606, 2009-10-06)
vc6build\build.cmd (713, 2009-10-06)
vc6build\cl.txt (1942, 2009-10-06)
vc6build\link.txt (1692, 2009-10-06)

======================================================================= = = = = = Notepad2 - light-weight Scintilla-based text editor for Windows = = = = = = Notepad2 4.0.23 = = (c) Florian Balmer 2004-2009 = = = = = = = ======================================================================= The Notepad2 Source Code This package contains the full source code of Notepad2 4.0.23 for Windows. Project files for Visual C++ 7.0 are included. Chances are that Notepad2 can be rebuilt with other development tools, including the free Visual C++ Express Edition, but I haven't tested this. Rebuilding from the Source Code To be able to rebuild Notepad2, the source code of the Scintilla editing component [1] has to be unzipped to the "Scintilla" subdirectory of the Notepad2 source code directory. [1] Notepad2 4.0.23 has been created with Scintilla 1.79. The following modification to the Scintilla source code is necessary: Scintilla/src/KeyWords.cxx: #define LINK_LEXER(lexer) extern LexerModule lexer; ... must be replaced with: #define LINK_LEXER(lexer) void(0) Creating a Compact Executable Program File To reduce the size of the Notepad2.exe program file, dynamic linking to the Visual C++ runtime library is enabled. To use the system C runtime library present on every Windows computer (msvcrt.dll), the Visual C++ 7.0 version of msvcrt.lib has to be replaced by msvcrt.lib version 6.0. This file can be obtained by downloading the Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 6 from Microsoft [2]. Run the downloaded archive and find msvcrt.lib in one of the extracted cab-files. Batch files to rebuild Notepad2 with the system C runtime library can be found in the "vc6build" subdirectory. The environment variables need to be adapted to your system. The first LIB path has to be the directory containing msvcrt.lib version 6.0. As of Scintilla version 1.79, building with msvcrt.lib version 6.0 also requires the header file from Visual C++ 6.0. Alternatively, the #include statement could be removed from ScintillaWin.cxx, along with the parameter-less catch clauses. Special thanks to Kai Liu [3] for providing useful information about using the system C runtime library! [2] [3] How to add or modify Syntax Schemes The Scintilla documentation has an overview of syntax highlighting, and how to write your own lexing module, in case the language you would like to add is not currently supported by Scintilla. Add your own lexer data structs to the global pLexArray (Styles.c), then adjust NUMLEXERS (Styles.h) to the new total number of syntax schemes. The style definitions can be found in SciLexer.h of the Scintilla source code. Include the Lex*.cxx file from Scintilla required for your language into your project. Copyright See License.txt for details about distribution and modification. If you have any comments or questions, please drop me a note: (c) Florian Balmer 2004-2009 ###


